Melancholy Melodies

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Lady Camden's POV:

"I'm so sorry, my sweet Camden... I'll never let anything like this happen to you EVER again!" Angie sobbed. I weakly rose my hand up to touch her face. I wish I could make her feel better somehow. Cause all this wasn't her fault... It really wasn't.

I could feel the ambulance shake as it drove as fast as it could on the asphalt. Angie was holding my hand close to her. I looked up at her, and tried to smile at her. I try sitting up but she guides me back down gently. She's being protective.

"Thank you for coming back for me, Angie. I really, really missed you." I tell her. I lay my hand on top of hers and she smiles, giving my hand a gentle squeeze. I grin, I like when she does that. She takes a breath before she replies to me.

"Of course I came back for you. I could never leave my sweet koala behind. And I missed you too," Angie spoke. She called me a koala. I liked that nickname. Angie always calls me her koala, cause I like to hug her. I guess I remind her of koalas.

I feel the ambulance slow to a stop. I'm rolled out of it on a stretcher and into the hospital, Angie following close behind. I'm rolled into a room and hooked up to all sorts of different machines. I turn to look at Angie and tilt my head in confusion.

"Angie, what are all these machines for?" I ask. Angie pauses and shrugs. I look at the nurses for an answer. One of them tells me that they're for checking my vitals. That makes sense. We're told the doctor will be in soon, and with that, the nurses leave.

And now I'm alone with Angie again. I like being with Angie. I turn to her and I smile a wide smile. She smiles gently at me and sits down next to the bed I was laying on. I stay laying on my back and squeeze her hand gently, still smiling.

I feel a bit happy. I like being with Angie. Despite everything that happened, I would still find a reason to smile. There's a reason to smile right now. That reason is Angie. I can hear footsteps outside the door, and then a doctor walks in.

"Hello. My name's Doctor Morphosis. But you both can call me Maddy. Are you both Lady Camden and Angeria Paris VanMichaels, by any chance?" The doctor, who I now knew as Dr. Morphosis, spoke. I nod and so does Angie. I introduce myself and Angie, and Maddy nods, looking at a clipboard she's holding in her hands. I wanna know what's on the clipboard. I think I should know. It's probably just a bunch of Doctor stuff.

"Alright, let's see here. How did this all start?" Maddy asks. I tense up. I really really don't wanna talk about it. Not just out of fear that Maddy won't believe me, but also I just don't wanna relieve what happened to me. And also I have developed a strange fear of backstories. That wasn't because of what happened, they're just weird.

"I'd rather not talk about it, Doctor." I murmur. Maddy nods, and comes over to me. She asks where the pain is and I immediately show her my arms. She looks shocked. I look away, all the cuts and bruises make me sick. I don't like it very much at all. And it stung like a bitch. I didn't like it and I wanted all the pain to leave, but I don't think it'll leave just cause I want it to.

"Alright, first order of business, let's get these bandaged." Maddy spoke, patching up the wounds on my arms. She first sprayed peroxide on them, saying it'd help to make sure they didn't get infected. I nod and allow her to do so. She wraps them in gauze and bandages.

After that, she grabs a machine, saying that she's gonna take an X-ray to see if I have any broken bones. She leaves to get the X-Ray and Angie suddenly starts to cry. I tilt my head at her and ask her what happened.

"I should be asking that to you! You're hurt!" Angie sobs. Why was she crying? I don't understand. Was she blaming herself for this? This wasn't her fault at all, why was she blaming herself for all this?

"This is all my fault! I should've gone with you. All of this could've been prevented!" Angie sobbed. She's having a breakdown. I've never seen Angie so upset like this. This wasn't like her. Normally she's confident and happy, but now she seems scared and upset. I don't like this.

"Angie?" I start, but I'm cut off by a loud wail. I need to get Angie to listen to me but I'm not sure how. I have to be firm and get her attention. I need her to know this isn't her fault at all. It really isn't her fault.

"Angeria Paris VanMichaels! Look at me!" I demand, a bit harsher than I would've liked, but it got her attention. She looks up at me with tears in her eyes. I wish she wasn't crying. She doesn't need to feel like this. There's no way anyone can twist this to make it her fault.

"This was not your fault. You are not at fault here. Everything is alright now. I'll be fine, and so will you. Everything is going to be okay, okay? You've gotta believe that." I ramble. I need Angie to calm down. I don't want her to cry. It's not her fault.

"I'm so sorry, my sweet Camden... I'll never let anything like this happen to you EVER again!" Angie sobbed. I weakly rose my hand up to touch her face. I wish I could make her feel better somehow. Cause all this wasn't her fault... It really wasn't.

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