Haunted Reunion

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Angie's POV:
I held the shivering girl close to my chest, her sobs never slowing. I was conflicted. I hated to see her cry, but I was so happy to see her again.

*record scratch* Yep, that's me. And you're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation. Well, let's begin at the beginning...

I don't know how we ended up here, but we were staring down this huge mansion. Call it us being stupid people taken over by morbid curiosity, or maybe we're the chosen ones, or maybe we need to be in a psychiatric unit, I don't know, and I don't care. I looked over at Bosco, who is a spirit channeler.

My girlfriend, Lady Camden went missing here. She went in here one day and didn't come back. Her case was filed under missing. Presumed missing. Meaning they didn't know, they just assumed. Keep that word in mind. It'll be very important later on.

I wanted to talk with her one more time. I missed her so much. Bosco, Willow, Daya, Deja and I all enter the building and sit on the floor, Bosco taking out her radio. She was going to use it to communicate with the ghosts. I don't know why she thought Camden was a ghost. I had hope that she was still alive.

"Okay, let's get start-" Bosco was cut off by her eyes going white, before she shot up. We all looked at her in confusion. She screamed before her eyes started to glow, and she looked at the staircase. A hollow, creaky, worn down staircase. It was dusty and covered with cobwebs.

"She's still here! She isn't gone! Camden isn't gone, we can still save her!" Bosco screamed, her eyes glowing white. Why were her eyes glowing? It's like she was possessed by a spirit that wanted us to help Camden. I wasn't going to complain though.

"What the HELL are you talking about?!" Willow snapped, as Bosco pointed to the stairs. The stairs were hardly visible in the endless darkness they were encased in. And yet, they were somehow perfectly visible. That doesn't make much sense.

"Down there! Let's go! We have to save her!" Bosco said, breaking into a sprint. I followed her, I would do anything to see my Cammie again. The stairs creaked as we walked down them, I turned on a flashlight and scanned the room.

"W-Who's there?! S-Stay away!" A horrified voice called out. I knew that accent though, that was my sweet Camden's voice. I could barely believe my ears. Mainly because the voice was so quiet. I didn't like that very much. I run into the room, it's dark and musty. And lots of things are knocked over.

"P-Please! Get out! Stay away! Go away!" Her voice called out. Why was she telling us to go away? She probably didn't realize it was us. I shine a light in the room, trying to find Camden. I try looking in the direction her voice came from, but it wasn't working, my light wasn't going very far. Only a few inches in front of me.

"Camden! It's just us, it's okay!" I called out, as I scanned the room for her. Suddenly, I shine my light and I saw a small figure slowly claw her way over to me. It was her. My Camden... My poor, poor Camden...

I felt like I was going to be sick.

"Cam..." I cried, she looked awful. I could see the outline of her ribs poking through her skin. She had bloody bandages covering part of her face. Her blood stained her dress and her hair was a mess. If there were any cuts on her ribs, I would guarantee you would see the bones.

The skin she had exposed were decorated with nauseating bruises and deep cuts, some placed on top of scars. It seemed like it hurt. A lot. Her eyes that were normally full of life now seemed dazed and glassy, and dark grey circles were clinging onto her lower sets of eyelashes for dear life. She looked up at me, shakily reaching a bony hand for me.

"A-Angie... I-I missed you..." Camden whimpered, holding her arms out for me. I picked her up, horrified at just how light she felt. She was always easy to carry, but she felt like she hadn't eaten for weeks. I felt so conflicted right now. But the one thing I knew for certain was that I was getting Camden out of here, and I was going to do that ASAP.

"Someone, call 911! Please!" I shrieked, Willow quickly grabbing her phone and dialing the number. I ran outside, Camden clinging onto me. I could hear Willow talk to the operator on the phone. Camden was still holding tightly onto me. I don't know where Bosco has gone. She's still in the house. I thought she'd have heard us all go out. That's quite peculiar.

"Y-You came back..." She whimpers. I hold her tight and she hugs me. Deja runs over and grabs a bottle of water out of her bag. She hands it to Camden, telling her to drink. Camden does so, her eyes lighting up as she did. I tilt my head. Why was she so excited about plain old water? I don't question her.

She manages to finish the entire bottle in one big gulp. I was shocked. How did she drink that so quickly? Camden looks at me, obviously confused by my expression. Deja is shocked too. I don't question it. Despite the fact that I probably should. She seemed so dehydrated, that wasn't good. She seemed like she was on the verge of passing out, and I wasn't going to stand idly by and let that happen.

I held the shivering girl close to my chest, her sobs never slowing. I was conflicted. I hated to see her cry, but I was so happy to see her again.

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