Jasmine Villegas House

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Rebbeca Gomez: Hey Jasmine where's my bae?

Jasmine Villegas: She's still at Camila's house.

Rebbeca Gomez: Do you know when she will come back?

Jasmine Villegas: She will be here later.

Rebbeca Gomez: May you tell Becky to come home?

Jasmine Villegas: Sure. Texts me.

Me (Little Becky G): Texts back.

Rebbeca Gomez: Jasmine is Becky coming?

Jasmine Villegas: Yeah she's coming.

35 Minutes Later

Camila: Becky let's hold hands.

Me (Little Becky G): Okay.

Camila: We're here.

Rebbeca Gomez: Becky I need to talk to you alone!

Me (Little Becky G): Yeah.

Rebbeca Gomez: Let's go. Takes my hand then takes me to my room.

In My Room

Rebbeca Gomez: Why did you make out with Camila?

Me (Little Becky G): I didn't want to make out with Camila, Camila wanted to make out with me. She was the one who recorded us making out so if your going to be mad at anyone be mad at me not Camila!

Rebbeca Gomez: Okay. I tell you what if you let me make out with you while I'm recording it I won't be at you.

Me (Little Becky G): No Becky. I don't want to make out with you. You always want to make out with me. You should know Becky the more you make out with me the more I think about Jasmine.

Rebbeca Gomez: Oh really! We'll see about that! Starts making out with me. Are you thinking about Jasmine?

Me (Little Becky G): Yeah I'm thinking about her.

Camila: Hey Becky your friends are here!

Me (Little Becky G): Tell them to come to my room. Rebbeca doesn't want to get off of me.

Camila: Okay. Goes downstairs. Hey guys come upstairs. Becky's to busy to come downstairs.

Laura Marano, Jasmine Villegas, Selena Gomez, Ariana Grande, Debby Ryan: Okay. Goes upstairs.

Jasmine Villegas: Rebbeca why are you making out with little Becky?

Laura Marano, Debby Ryan, Selena Gomez, Ariana Grande: Gasps. Rebbeca's making out with little Becky.

Me (Little Becky G): Babe please get off of me?

Rebbeca Gomez: No. Bites me.

Me (Little Becky G): Rebbeca Marie Gomez why did you bite me?

Rebbeca Gomez: I wanted to see what you would say?

Me (Little Becky G): Okay. Well I'm going to bed. Falls asleep.

Rebbeca Gomez: Kisses me.

Rebbeca Marie Gomez & Little Becky GWhere stories live. Discover now