Chapter 18

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It was a big, golden apple. I got the feeling that there was something very special about this apple, but I was also so hungry that I didn't let it stop me from eating it. At first the apple tasted like any other apple, but by each time I took a bite the taste started to change. And it was first after I had finished it, that I noticed how the cave slowly were spinning. I couldn't feel the snake move around at all, and yet there wasn't a part of the place that wasn't moving. The spinning made me feel ill and I wanted to throw up, but my stomach didn't agree to what my head was feeling. Instead, a heavy throbbing headache blew up on top of the urges to throw up. Had I just been poisoned? I tried to open my mouth and shout or just say anything, but I couldn't get move a muscle. Yet it felt like someone was talking to me, somewhere far away and in a language that I didn't understand.

It didn't feel like I had fallen asleep, yet I was opening my eyes. But the strangest part was that I found it to be so bright that I had to close them again. I didn't know that there existed cave this bright, or were I in a new place once again? I decided to open my eyes one more time, but slowly so I didn't get blinded by the light. That was enough to give my eyes the time they needed to get use to the light, and I was met with yet another new sight. I was looking at the clear blue sky, surrounded by grass. My first instinct was to get up, which to my surprise wasn't a problem. I held my breathe while I was waiting for the pain around my ribs to come, but it didn't. Instead, I still had the massive headache that I got earlier, yet something was different.

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