Candy Robes and Vanilla Scents

Start from the beginning

"so I'm going to go now..." Dice cleared his throat causing both girls to look int his direction. They forgot he was there and now they felt very embarrassed. The girls said goodbye as Dice slid out the door leaving the two alone awkwardly starring at anything but each other. Cat made her way to the kitchen which was were Sam happened to be. All Sam's attention was focused on a steak she had randomly pulled out of the refrigerator. From here it looked like Sam was trying to heat it up with her mind.

"Do you want to warm it up?" Cat asked shyly looking out the window to avoid looking at Sam.

"No i'm good. I'm not used to having a working microwave. So cold food doesn't bother me. It'd just take longer and I'm hungry now." Sam explained as she kept her eyes on the plate in front of her.

"Oh well I think it'd taste much better warm and I think my microwave Nona doesn't let me touch it but we can probably figure it out." Cat turned around looking at the blonde sitting on the kitchen stool and started to walk over.

"I guess you're right...we can try it." Sam picked up the plate getting up slowly and turning around without realizing that Cat was right behind her. The plate knocked into Cat's shirt and fell along with the steak. Pieces of the plate were all over the ground and the steak laid beside all the shattered glass. Both girls attempted to bend down and pick up the mess but instead they ended up bumping heads.

"Owwwiee!" whined Cat as she held the part of her head that had collided with Sam's.

"Ohh come on don't be a baby it was just a light bump." Sam shook her head and poked the area that she had hit. "Come on Red it won't even leave a bruise on your perfect little head. I-I mean you'll be fine." She attempted to calm the other girl down but she kept making a sad face like she was about to cry. The face was cute and all but Sam didn't feel like handling a crying girl today. All she wanted was to continue eating her steak but that didn't seem like it was going to happen until she cleaned the mess and made Cat happy again.

Cat's head was facing the ground and her hands were covering her face. Sam was lost. What are you suppose to do in this kind of situation? 

She spread her arms in an attempt to hug the girl but it felt odd and awkward so she pulled back changing the position of her arms and stretched the, out again. This time felt less awkward so she stepped forward bringing the girl up against her chest.

"Hey there kid. It's all right." Sam sid caringly as she continued to hold cat. She wouldn't dare do this in public but since they were alone in a confined room with no cameras she thought maybe this one time was okay. She heard Cat sniffing and patted her back softly. "Come on is it really that bad?" She spoke softly so that her impatience couldn't be heard in her voice.

" smell good. Like vanilla." Cat said aloud breaking apart the hug. There was still a lack of distance between the two but they didn't seem to mind that right now.

"Um well I used your body wash when I took a shower so technically I smell like you." Sniffing down at herself Sam noticed how close they were and kept looking around so that their eyes wouldn't meet. "So were you faking it this whole time or what?" she let the comment out with a little more aggression in her voice than she meant to.

"At first it hurt a lot and it reminded me of a time my brother hit me with his toy helicopter and he ended up breaking it. It made me sad and I felt like crying. But then you hugged me and I felt happy so...I wanted to stay in your arms." Cat said the last part in a rush like she had recited it many times before. Sam was amazed at how natural it was for Cat to say such random things. She looked up and wondered why the girl wouldn't look at her back.

"You're an interesting character Cat. So about what just happened...if you tell anyone, well let's just say it'll involve pain. One more thing I'm not a hugger and if you say that I hugged you I will deny it. Okay?" this time she looked at Cat making sure there was some kind of understanding going on in her mind. Instead she was greeted with a sweet smile and beautiful brown eyes. Brown met blue and they were starring...again.

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