Chapter 9

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When you woke up, Rolli was already gone. Of course, you looked all around the house for him, so he wouldn't see you escaping.
But he wasn't anywhere. So, you grabbed the key you found yesterday.
- If a was a psychopath, where would I hide a key?- you asked yourself.
Then you realized there was one place you didn't search. Under his bed.
You didn't know what to fear more, The fact the key may not be there or the things that you might find.
You closed your eyes and reached your hand into the unsearched place.
You were surprised when you took a box out. You carefully examined it, then opened the lid.
When you saw what was inside, you wanted to puke. really badly.
Inside the box was Rita's shirt, covered in red substance. You didn't need to be a genius to realize it was blood.The thing that scared you more was that the shirt was nicely folded.
You put the shirt aside, and looked back at the box. The next thing you saw was a note with something written on it.
- One obstacle less.- you read out loud, then tossed the paper behind you.
The next object was a key. Finally! You could escape!
You kicked the box, and the objects that were in it, under the bed.
The only thing that mattered now is to get to a police station.
After unlocking the door, you kicked it open and ran for your life. The police station wasn't far away, so it would take you only 5 minutes to get there.

To say that the policemen were surprised was a huge understatement. They were asking you about where you've been, and when you told them the whole story, they ran into Rolli's house to search it.
Your mother was informed about the policemen finding you, and appeared at the police station in less than 4 minutes. She was hugging and asking you questions, but you didn't answer. You were too happy that hell was over.
After the police came back, they instantly found Rolli guilty and arrested him.
You were so relieved, and beaming with happiness.

Though your happiness only lasted a week, because Rolli got out.

* Hey people! So I've been having some new ideas for fanfics. Would you like to read a yandere Rita fanfic, a Yandere Rolli and Rita fanfic, or something entirely new? Please write in the comments!( Of course, I will still continue this fanfic, but I don't have ideas for it anymore. I will label it as "completed", but if I'll have an idea, I will write a new chapter).

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