Chapter 9: Start of... Something

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ANY IMAGES, GIFS; Lines from the movie, And Karate Kid characters used in this series DO NOT belong to me. Certain plot points will be changed.


"What did I just get myself into?" I asked as soon as the dojo's doors closed. "H-how did I get roped into competing in that tournament too?" My questions went unanswered.

"I-I can't believe this... I cannot believe this." Daniel stressed as we walked across the street.

"What?" Mr. Miyagi asked; even he sounded stressed. Daniel opened the door for Mr. Miyagi and I before answering.

"What you just got me into. You said you'd make things better," Daniel replied in a distressed tone.

"I did." Mr. Miygai answered less stressed than before.

"How?" Daniel exasperated.

"How? I saved you two months of beating." Mr. Miyagi said.

"Well, what about Jade? She wasn't getting jumped every other week. Why is she getting dragged into this?"

"It's because I have a big mouth," I answered meekly. "Well that and Kreese hates my guts." I could feel a slight bit of nausea as I spoke.

Daniel went to speak, but Mr. Miyagi cut him off.

"Sharp tongue, not big mouth. Man wants to prove point but he will not succeed."

"I sure hope so..." I murmured; I stared out the windshield as Daniel began to drive.


The drive was long; my nerves were unrelenting. The area was unfamiliar to me. It seemed very industrial.

"How much further is your house?" Daniel asked as he cautiously drove over the train tracks.

"Other sidetracks."

"Are you in the oil business, too?" Daniel joked.

"Not everything is as seem." Mr. Miyagi said whimsically.

Reminds me of Newark. What are we going to do here?"

"Start training. Much work be done. Tournament here before you know it." Mr. Miyagi answered.

"Don't remind me," I say reluctantly. I stretched as I got out of the truck, my muscles tensing slightly before relaxing again.

"Yeah the last thing we need is a reminder of how we're going to get killed in the next month and a half." Daniel added sarcastically.

"Ah, you two will be fine." Mr. Miyagi spoke, brushing off our worries.

"Sure." I murmured skeptically.

"Do you really think we have a chance in this whole mess?" Daniel asked curiously.

"No matter. Wacko teacher attitude rest in fist. Stupid, but fact of life. Win, lose, no matter. You two make good fight, earn respect. Nobody bother you then."

"Or they'll bury me where I fall." Daniel replied in a mutter.

"I guess your problem's solved either way then." I joked, Mr. Miyagi gave a short nod in agreement.

"You two wait right here." Mr. Miyagi said vaguely, before we could ask what he was planning, he walked off.

In our brief moment of silence my eyes began to wonder. It was an interesting little place, something I wasn't really used to. I thought it was nice though, but I had to admit it would look even better if somebody fixed up a few things. But the one thing that stuck out most in my mind was the line of classic cars.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2022 ⏰

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