"It's brain dead."

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Some people say it being unconscious is equivilent (I hope that's how it's spelled, English isn't my first language) to being brain dead. 

The definition of brain dead according to Merriam-Webster: Brain death is the permanent, irreversible, and complete loss of brain function. 

A fetus is far from being brain dead. She has a underdevelopped brain, of course. But not a dead one.

The state of the fetus' brain isn't permanent- at every week, her brain can do something new! 

Even if her brain is very undevelopped, brain function isn't 100% unexistant.

The first synapses in baby's spinal cord form during week 7 of pregnancy. By week 8, electrical activity begins in the brain — allowing the baby to coordinate her first (spontaneous) movements that doctors can even see on an ultrasound!

His brain (we'll start using she/her pronouns, because I don't know the exact gender of the fetus) is under-developped, as I've said before, but not dead. It's rapidly growing and doing new things! 

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