Chapter 81 - Metamorphosis

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We approached the car with our hair and clothes in a tattered mess. Zander's fingers wrapped around the car handle. "After you darli-." His words were cut short as the car door tore completely off it's hinges, landing with a loud crash into the shrubs behind us.

The sound of metal breaking and crashing sent all the nearby animals scurrying away, and had me flinching at the loud sound.

"That was strange, I'm sure that was the same pressure I always use." Zander said furrowing his brows with a look of perplexity etched onto his face. 

We drove down the road. The wind was blowing my dress and hair thanks to the lack of a barrier on my left, but that wasn't what had my full attention.  

"Zander, would you please stop driving like an old lady, it's one hundred kilometres on this stretch of road, and it feels like your going fifty!"

"I get what you mean but my speedometer definitely reads one hundred?" His reply sent chills down my spine as I began to make sense of everything.

"Even the leaves seems to fall slower than normal, and the insects wings are visible when they are flying? I thought it was strange that you slept as much as I did last night when I was the only one marked."

"I think more has changed for both of us since we both completed the bond." Zander said, speaking my own thoughts out loud. "Don't forget the car door. I think we are much stronger and possibly faster now?" Zander said thoughtfully. "That wasn't the only change, your hair and eyebrows are now silver." I frowned as his words sunk in. Grabbing some strands that was blowing behind me, I brought the ends between my fingertips, and watched them shine under the sunlight looking a mix between silver and white.

It wasn't long until we made it back to the mansion. Ella had been pacing the front doors eagerly waiting for us after Zander mind linked her informing her we were okay and on our way. 

Ella flung herself into my arms as she caught sight of the mark sitting on my neck that I had yet to look at. "I finally have a sister!" Ella boomed excitedly bouncing in my arms. The force she used as she barreled into me, should have had me stumbling back but I held my own without trying. Zander's side eyes told me he noticed it too. "And something is different with your hair?" I gave her a nod but didn't elaborate. I had no idea what the changes meant or what I even looked like yet. 

We sat down at the table with Ella, Ed, Jax and Alessia who decided to appear outside the mansion in a whirlwind of smoke. She kissed Crim goodbye and walked inside the house to greet us. 

"How do you always pick the perfect time to appear?" Ella's voice held wonder and awe as she received a grin and shrug from Alessia.

"Lucky my visions are specific sometimes I guess." Alessia replied glancing straight at my neck. The look she gave me as her eyes drifted from my neck then down my dress had me blushing. She knew about the lack of clothing under my dress. It was written in her expression and all in the teasing smirk she sent my way. 

I demanded a few moments so Zander and I could quickly change into casual clothes. I felt much too exposed in what I wore.

We changed before sitting down at the table opposite Ella and Alessia's curious and intense gazes. Jax and Ed sat at the two ends of the table eagerly awaiting answers to their questions.

"Oh alright.." I groaned wanting to get this over with before my face turned a permanent shade of ruby. "Yes we finally completed the bond, and the reason we didn't come back last night was because we both passed out afterwards."

"Wow you two must have really gone at it for hours huh?" Jax's remark stunned me as a darker shade of blush covered my face.

"No actually.." Zander replied giving me a small smile as he felt my embarrassment through our ever growing bond. "Something happened straight afterwards. Alexa glowed and sent light exploding throughout the clearing we were in. It was that same moment her brown hair vanished and was replaced with the silver you see now. Then we both fell unconscious until around an hour ago. 

Alessia didn't looked surprised unlike the others. "But Zander was already marked, it shouldn't have affected him again?" Said Ed trying to makes sense of it all.

Alessia chose that moment to speak. "No it wouldn't effect him a second time however once the mating bond was complete they both went through a sort of metamorphosis. Both of them had to change. This I can now explain without it altering the future negatively."

We all sat quietly as Alessia began to explain. "When Alexa marked Zander he awoke with the ability to smell her even when she chooses to hide her scent. He can see her even when she tries to hide from him, and he can now withstand Alexa's fire power at full force without being burnt."

"That's a relief after the first time." I laughed although I wasn't at all joking.

"That's not even the best part." Alessia continues. "As some of you know, he can completely disappear into the shadows now. Instead of absorbing and reflecting the light like Alexa he completely repeals it and becomes one with the darkness."

"Wow that's awesome!" Ed and Ella exclaim not knowing about it as yet.

"Now that they are both fully mated, Alexa is the only one who can see him unless either of them choose to be seen.  They are both stronger, faster, and heal quicker than before. Alexa can now tap into a larger magic reserve than she could before, but the down side is, it will also tap into Zander's energy if she draws too much from it."

"That's a lot to take in." Ella admits. 

"There's one more thing.. the moon goddess has blessed her with the power of light. Her changing hair must be a side effect to holding all that power. You almost look how I envisioned the goddess herself to be. Some of you have seen glimpses of that light magic before. It's the same light harnessed by the sun that sent the vampires scouring away, except now it is much stronger and can be used to-" I cut Alessia off as the pieces clicked together.

"-Heal the land. I may have accidentally grown a few trees and bushes where others were dead or dying. Large fruit and nut trees had ripened fruit or blossoming flowers that circled the clearing Zander and I were in."

"No way! Do you think you can grow a mango tree out the back? The ones I've tried to plant never survive with our ever changing climate here." Ed asked hopefully.

"Ah.. I'm not exactly sure how to control it yet, and last night one burst of magic created around a dozen different trees. I have no idea how to specify what I might want to grow, but I will start training with Alessia tomorrow."

"Sorry Alexa it's not that easy for me to make time for training anymore. I have officially been crowned queen of the Vampires which is another reason I wanted to see you now. I've also begun some training of my own lately which has been taking up any free time I might have. Mum has been teaching me how to make Myles complex potions that should help us with the battle that's coming."

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