Chapter 2: Tour

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George POV.

Philza had me sit down and gave me a speech about the school, telling me about all the fun clubs and sports teams and yearly field trips that I’d be able to do. He told me about all the fun subjects that I could take if I wanted to learn to cook, or speak another language, or play an instrument.

I noticed that he was also British, which made me happy. Maybe I wouldn’t get all the weird simple questions if he was around, maybe people had already asked him everything that they were curious about that had to do with the UK.

Then he introduced the man who was sitting next to me. “This is Karl. He is going to be giving you a tour.” I turned to see Karl smiling at me and I gave him a small ‘hello’ and he responded with a more excited tone.

Philza then opened a drawer in his desk and pulled out several pieces of paper with my name on them. He handed them to me and I looked at him with a quizzical expression for a moment before looking down at the papers he had given me. “It’s just your class schedule, your locker number and combination, and a map.” The blond clarified, and I just nodded.

“Anyway, I have some other stuff that I need to do, but I’ll let Karl show you around, he is one of my best, most trustworthy students.” Karl beamed at the compliments before standing up.
“Okay George, so I’ll see your class schedule and we can go from there.” The brunette said happily before I passed him the paper.

He looked over it for a few moments before nodding and waving goodbye to the principal. Karl grabbed my hand and began leading me out of the office into the hallway before glancing at the paper again. A few moments passed before he spoke up.

“Okay, so how about I take you to your locker first and then we can follow your schedule from there.” He suggested, and I just nodded since I didn’t have many other options.
“So your locker is number 404, which is down by the school gym.” Karl stated as we began walking.

He didn’t even bother to look at where he was going as he began leading me through the hallways, pointing out several classes and telling me several facts as we went. “So you moved here from the UK?” Karl asked as we continued through the hallways and I shrugged.
“Technically I moved here from North Carolina, but originally I am from the UK.” I explained.

Karl’s eyes lit up. “Wait, you lived in North Carolina? That’s awesome, I used to live there too. I still have lots of friends there who I talk to all the time.” He said excitedly.
“What are the chances?” I asked, before listening as Karl began eagerly talking about all of his friends.

He was in the middle of telling me about how one of his friends had their own youtube channel that had around 100 million subscribers (which I definitely didn’t believe) when we reached my locker. “And he makes a lot of videos where he and his friends- oh.” Karl cut himself off, before walking over to a locker.

“This is your locker, number 404. You can put the combination in and then throw your stuff in there and I’ll show you where your classes are.” He explained, and I nodded.
I opened the locker and began emptying things out of my bag and everything that I had and organising it.

“I’m sorry that you have to be right outside the gym.” Karl said as I continued. “But you can only really start smelling the BO on Thursday, which is tomorrow since you started on a Wednesday for some reason. Although it does mean you get to see the hot people playing sports.” He joked while wiggling his eyebrows.

I laughed with him as he looked over my schedule, seemingly planning out where we should go for the school tour and once I finally shut the locker he grabbed my arm again and began leading me around some more of the hallways. Eventually he concluded the tour at the school cafeteria.

“And this is where we get our lunch, but you’ve obviously been in a cafeteria of course.” He beamed. I watched as Karl walked into the middle of the cafeteria, “this is where my friends and I sit at lunch. If you want to, you can join us.” The brunette offered and I nodded.
“That might be nice,” I responded.

There was a large clock on one wall of the cafeteria and Karl glanced at it, before realising what time it was. “We have one full period until lunch, so how about I walk you to your class?” Karl offered, and I nodded since I didn’t want to end up getting lost on my first day. He had another quick look at my schedule before leading me off in the direction of the History classroom.

The bell rang just as we stepped out of the cafeteria and a flood of students began leaving through different doors and began heading to whatever period they had next. I found myself shuffling closer to Karl so I didn’t lose him and he just laughed as he continued leading me down the hallway.

I heard the bell ringing again, signalling the start of class a few minutes later, with us only stopping so Karl could introduce me to the school librarian and one of the teachers. I was led to one of the classrooms and Karl knocked on the door. A tall dark skinned woman with a hooked nose opened it and glared down at us.

“Jacobs,” she said sternly as she looked at Karl, “shouldn’t you be in class? What do you want here?” Her tone was hostile and I instantly felt myself disliking her.
Karl however managed to keep a calm face and gave her an unwelcome smile. “This is George, he is new here and I was asked to show him around. This is his class.” He introduced.

The teacher turned her gaze to look at me, with her narrow head and beady eyes I immediately thought of her as a vulture. “George.” She stated, seemingly trying out the name to see if it sounded good or not. “Come in and take a seat next to Wilbur.” She stated, before standing to the side. I waved to Karl before scurrying into the classroom.

I was slightly confused since I didn’t know who Wilbur was and felt my face burning red as everyone stared at me. Eventually he must have pitied me because a brunette near the back of the class stuck up his hand. “I’m Wilbur,” he told me, and a small smile appeared on my face as I walked over to sit at the desk beside him.
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