Lily pouted, her hand reaching up to tenderly touch around her wound, "Ow."

"Are you okay?" James looked at the cut and it looked like she needed stitches.

Blood ran from the cut, like she'd been hit from a major artery. James started cursing as Lily's blood started mixing with her hair fanned out below them. James launched into action, pulling Lily up and into his arms. He raced out the door as Lily protested, as she was still in her knickers.

"You need stitches!" James argued back, throwing her into the passenger seat of his car.

"I'm fine!" she said stubbornly, trying to get out only to grab her head like she was woozy.

"You've lost a sizable chunk of forehead!"

"And whose fault is that?" she shot back, "Have you sanitized these seats lately?"

James glared at her as he buckled her in. James grabbed one of his spare t-shirts and pressed it to her wound, replacing his hand with hers. Lily kept pressure, if only because she could tell by the look on James' face that she was in no way going to argue herself out of this unplanned trip. James got into the driver's side of the car and turned his sirens on before he sped down the street.

The streets were, luckily, empty thanks to the quarantine. James made it to the emergency room in the nick of time. Normally, James wouldn't be allowed in the hospital with Lily but thanks to still wearing his uniform, no one questioned him as he burst through the double doors carrying his wife. The woman at the front desk took in their clothes as she called for a nurse, focusing particularly on James' bare feet. James would've been embarrassed, had his wife not been bleeding out from a head wound while in his arms like a broad chested hero on a romance novel cover.

A nurse in a mask and scrubs came out of the doors that led to the main hospital. The nurse took one look at James and Lily, frowned deeply, and then waved for them to follow her. James breathed a sigh of relief and followed the nurse, Lily's head lolling against his shoulder while she muttered about his 'manhandling' as if she wasn't his wife.

"Where did you find her officer?" the nurse asked as she led James into a curtained off room with a bed, "is she showing signs of COVID?"

"No, no." James set her on the sofa, "it was in my house…"

"She was in your house?" the nurse's eyebrows expressed her surprise for her.

"Our house," Lily muttered as James set her onto the bed, "we were in our house."

The nurse's blue eyes fluttered between the bleeding woman in her knickers and the police officer wearing no shoes, "so you didn't arrest this woman for breaking curfew?"

"Of course not." Lily scoffed, earning a glare from her husband, "bloody idiot wouldn't arrest his own wife. Now I'm in hospital instead of taking a little walk."

The nurse pulled back the t-shirt on Lily's head as she asked, "what happened?"

James reached up to ruffle his black curls, "she, uh, tried to break curfew and I uh, tackled her?"

The nurse looked at Lily first, who shrugged her agreement with the story. Then the nurse turned to look at James' uniform, carefully. The nurses blue eyes were sharp and James shifted under them as she came to realize he wore no shoes or socks. Or badge. Lily sent her husband a glare from the bed, James stuck his tongue out at her when the nurse turned back to face Lily.

"We'll have to make sure she didn't get a concussion." the nurse said, "technically we're not letting anyone besides patients into the Hospital, but since you're already here, you can stay in this room until the doctors are done with her."

James nodded his thanks and fell into a swivel chair that would normally be for a doctor. The nurse left to get them charts and papers to sign. Lily turned her head to James, her glare prevalent through the blood on her face.

"Next time," she quipped, "just arrest me."

James chuckled and leaned over to pinch her side, "next time don't be such a minx."

Lily smirked, "but you're so attentive when my clothes are off."

James would've said something equally as provocative had the nurse not arrived. They wheeled Lily away while James filled out Lily's paperwork. Lily and the nurses were gone for about an hour, giving James time to call and tell his boss that he'd taken his wife to the emergency room, being sure to leave out why she was there. His boss excused him from work for the rest of the week, so at least James would be able to keep his wife company.

Lily returned with her forehead stitched up and wearing a hospital robe. The blood had been scrubbed from her face but she was still sporting the sticky substance in her equally as red hair. James launched up and over to her when the nurse clicked her bed back into place.

"The doctor will be over in a few to go over her MRI." the nurse said, "Mrs. Potter would you like me to get you some jello? You're a little dehydrated."

"Oh, yes please." Lily's eyes lit up at the mention of food, "I'm starving."

The nurse left them and James lifted her hand to his mouth, kissing it, "Moody gave me off the rest of the week."

Lily perked up even more, "I won't be home alone?"

James said, "You, my darling wife, got what you wanted in a very round-about way."

James kissed her cheek, settling into a seat at her side. Lily rubbed his back, her fingers snagging in the fabric of his police uniform. They were discussing what movie to watch when they got back home when the doctor and the nurse came back. The nurse handed Lily her jello and the doctor, a slim man wearing a dark mask, had a computer on a moveable desk.

The doctor looked between the two before his eyes settled on Lily, "Mrs. Potter, were you aware that you are pregnant?"

James' jaw dropped and he looked at Lily who looked equally as confused, "Pardon?"

The doctor turned on his computer and images of Lily's brain appeared, "we did a full body scan, because Lily told the nurse that she was hurting, especially on her left side, and we found a fetus."

Lily looked panicked, "A baby?"

James pushed one of his hands into his hair, "we can't be pregnant, she hasn't shown any signs!"

"Based on the MRI," the doctor pointed to a blob on the screen, "she's two or three months along."

"I-" Lily was struggling to talk, "I didn't have morning sickness! Oh hell-I sound just like those people on the telly."

"Sometimes you're very lucky." the nurse said, pulling a new pair of gloves on, "and you don't feel sick."

"The good news is," the doctor closed his laptop, "no concussion! I'll have the nurse get you a referral for an OBGYN Mrs. Potter."

James grabbed Lily's hand, both of them reeling with the news. Lily was quiet as the nurse started typing on the computer in the small room. Suddenly, Lily hit James' chest. James turned to look at her, surprised by her sudden act of violence.

"You assaulted your pregnant wife!"

"Oh god, I assaulted my pregnant wife!" all the blood drained from James' face and he warned her, "you can't tell Moody what I did!"

Lily's eyes sparkled at him, "afraid I'll charge you with battery, Mr. Potter?"

"Just thinking about how thankful I am that I didn't cuff you, Mrs. Potter." James breathed and Lily threw her head back laughing.

The nurse turned to look at them both, eyes dead, "please keep your kinky role play out of this hospital room."

James turned to the nurse, aghast, "I'm a real cop!"

The nurse's eyes dropped to his bare feet, "sure you are, Mr. Potter."

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