|4| Spice and Tea

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Song for this chapter: Taylor Swift - You belong with me

~ Forget everyone else look in my eyes and remember me because I'm always going to remember you~

Jakes P.O.V

Oh my toads, did she just ask to go to my house? Well, not explicitly. She did say she wanted a place to say. Did I just say 'Oh my toads'? I've been hanging around girls too much. I really should hang out with the guys more often. Back to the point, I could be a stalker for all she knew! I'm certainly not though, but she could get hurt if she trusts anyone as easily as this.

She probably doesn't though, many women fall for me for some odd reason. I have no idea why, too, I'm just an average guy. I'm definitely not normal though, but I look the part. Brown eyes. Tousled coffee brown hair. Average. And a little bit of a chiseled face, if I do say so myself, but I guess that's it. There's really not much to me but my other side. But she doesn't need to know about that. Not yet, anyway. Heck, I barely know her.

But there's something about her. She's caught me under her spell and I can't seem to get out of it. I don't want to get out of it. I don't want to let her go. So I got up and started on my long trip back to my small cottage. Only an hour later she fell asleep in my arms. She looks so breathtakingly beautiful, head crowned with golden locks and her eyes...her eyes aren't lilac like those of the girls here. They aren't plain blue either. The colour of her eyes resembled the ocean, kissed with the indigo night sky.

Another half hour passed until we reached my house. I started to regret why my house was so far from everything as my arms were starting to give out. I had to quickly open the door with one hand and sprint to the right side of my house towards the bedroom. I gently placed her on my bed, tucking in the blanket underneath her chin. I stretched and breathed a sigh of relief I didn't drop her. Plopping myself onto the couch, I began to think about what just happened.
   It was all so fast and just as amazing. Until she stopped me when I was about to kiss her. She stopped me! No one has ever done that before, woman of all ages and relationship statuses have begged for my attention. Yet her hand just dismissed me and covered her mouth. I replayed the scene over and over in my head, realizing it probably was for the best. If I had kissed her, quite frankly, I wouldn't have had the strength to stop. Still my ego was a bit wounded if I am to be truthful.

Rousing myself back to reality, I snapped out of my resting position to make some stew for when she awakens. I combined a few spices for good measure to make it extra special. After making sure it was well seasoned, I ladled some into a bowl, put it on a tray and went to serve Alice in bed. When I entered the room, she was already awake and stirring. She seemed very confused. As if collecting her thoughts, she finally spoke. "Is that for me?"

"Yes, the house specialty." I joked, placing the tray onto her lap as she sat up and leaned against the bed head. She smiled at me in place of a verbal thank you. After inhaling its scent, Alice had no trouble downing the stew. Apparently, she was taught good table manners, because, although she looked like she was starving, she paced herself, eating with such gusto. But then she asked the dreaded question.

"Do you have any tea?"

I stood up so abruptly and with such force that Alice almost dropped the bowl, had I not caught it in time. I yelled, "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" I freaked out when she still remained there, eyes wide like saucers, jaw dropped open. I threw the bowl at the wall above her head, almost hitting her, but the crazy thing was, I didn't care.

As she slipped out of my bed and sprinted out the door, I grabbed the tray and bent it, flailing it this way and that, knocking out my lamp on my bedside table and frames from the top of my dressing table. The sounds of materials breaking filled my adrenaline and encouraged me to ruin everything. After about an hour of destruction, Daniela had finally arrived to help me manage my temper. Her lilac eyes, hidden behind a few wavy strands of auburn hair, were filled with sympathy as she assured me that everything was going to be fine. That Alice now knew not to bring up that subject ever again.

The Twisted Wonderland.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang