Chapter One

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One day in the Okegom village, a little boy named Satanick decided to go out for a little walk. On his little walk, he met Pulmo. Pulmo thought Satanick was a weird looking boy.. She thought he was quite ugly and gross but kept that to herself, not wanting to hurt the poor little boy's feelings.

"Hey," Satanick said, he was doing the roblox dance.

"Hi.. How are you?.." said Pulmo, visibly confused and scared to be honest.

Satanick threw up some lean. "Doing good, how 'bout you?"

"Oh damn.. Uh, I'm fine I guess. You okay homie?" Pulmo said with concern laced in her voice. She was about to pass out and felt nauseous but pushed those feelings aside to try and help the poor ugly boy...

Satancick threw up again, this time on Pulmo. "Woah, you purple now!" Satanick exclaimed.

"THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!?!?! BRUH WTF???" Pulmo growled, on the verge of tears.

"Sorry man, I didn't mean to ruin your outfit.."

"I swear to god I will beat the living *Okegom* outta you so you better run you ugly mole rat lookin' floor dusty ####"

Satanick sighed. "Sorry 'doug.."

"Doug? Dont doug me? The hell," Pulmo responded.

Satanick threw up lean for a third time. This time, there were jolly ranchers in it.

"BRUH???!! THE HELL IS THIS...." Pulmo screamed, crying.

Satanick shrugged, this conversation was of no interest to him. He started to break down into a boogie. He was shaking and dancing and vomiting.

Pulmo on the other hand, was mortified. Pulmo was at a loss for words, she was distraught to say the least.

"Get away from me! You're gross, nasty, smelly, and weird! Bruh..." She exclaimed. Pulmo had enough of this dude's non-sense and she wanted to get away. She started running, running as fast as she could-far, far away from where that rat was standing-no, boogieing..

Satanick was still dancing. He was twirling, jumping, leaping and spinning around.

Pulmo was still running. She didn't know where she was running but she was trying to get as far away from Satanick as she could.

But Satanick was too fast. He was running–dancing–after Pulmo.

Pulmo nearly peed herself, she was mortified.

"Bruh where you goin'!!!!!!" Satanick yelled.

"GET AWAY FROM ME, PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE PLEASE OH MY GOD," Pulmo said, crying and screaming, probably peeing herself too..

But Satanick is way to dumb to undersyand when to leave someone alone. He continued to run after Pulmo.

Pulmo was beyond scared at this point; she didn't know what to do so she decided to yell out for help, hoping someone would come and save her..


Out of nowhere, Kcalb spawned. "Bruh shut up why are you so loud," he said.

"BRUH!!!! I'M GETTING CHASED TF U MEAN SHUT UP!" Pulmo said, now annoyed.

"How are you even here brah!!! Aren't you from the water????"

"Yeah but don't make my situation less important, help me bro!! Why are you just standing around smh..."

"Oh yeah sorry." Kcalb threw a rock at Satanick. "You are welcome."

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