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They arrived at Winterfell as united front Daenerys and Jon Snow riding side by side Jon wearing all black and Daenerys was an all white everyone stood tall and proudly for the king of the north and the queen.

Sandor wish rode in tall and large and arya noticed him she saw the man she left to die, alive and well and with her brother and the dragon queen. Arya was shocked to see him, but he didn't notice her.

'I cant believe I'm finally back! I cant wait to see Bran and Arya and Sansa! But mainly Bran I have to much to tell him!' Rina declared as she rode side by side with Sandor. Jon asked her to ride up front with him but she wanted to stay with sandor.

'you really must be excited, I haven't seen you this excited since you found out jon was alive.' Sandor told her.

'I am excited! Sandor I'm home and it is home. Not some hell hole like the boltons had it as before I'm sure.' She looked around and smiled widely. Home. She never thought she would be back here. After she left, after she ran with arya, then getting taken in by tywin and then the lord of light crew and then finding sandor again and dear lord she had been through a lot since she was last here. So much death, so many visions, she needed to see bran. She needed to talk to him.

Bran sat front and center in front of Winterfell when Jon got there he hugged and kissed his head.

'Look at you he said you're a man' jon said looking at his brother. Sitting in a wheel chair. Immobilized from the fall.

'Almost,' bran told him. "RINA!" he said happily holding his arms out for her and she ran to him, hugging him tight.

'Where is arya?' jon asked

'Lurking somewhere' Sansa told him, hugging him as well.

'Bran I have so much to tell you!' rina exclaimed.

'I knew you were alive,' Bran told her. 'I saw you.'

'I saw you too! But it ahd been a while. I think I was a raven... that was fun but I ahvent been able to do that again.' She admitted. 'everytime I saw a raven though I thought of you. Was it you?'

'Yes sometimes it was. I was checking up on you. I saw what you did to those men, the men that hurt your friends, the priests.' Bran told her, she held his face in her hands.

'you saw that? you scrared of me?' he shook his head.

'you are going to win us the war Rina.' He informed her.

'This is queen Daenerys of house Targaryen this is my sister Sansa stark of Winterfell.'

'Thank you for inviting us the north is just as beautiful as your brother said, as are you' dani complimented.

'The north is yours your grace' sansa said bitterly, rina pulled sand to her hugging her tight before returning to Bran.

'We do not have time for this' bran told them 'the night king has your dragon he's one of them now the wall has fallen dead march south.'

'what do you mean?' rina questioned wheeling him away. 'you saw this? You saw-'

'Rina I see so much I know so much!' he told her.

'I see death. All the time.' Rina told him.

'I see everything as it happens. And how it happened... you see the future.' He told her.

'yes, I see the future. I see my family and friends die over and over again.' She told him. Sandor looked to her and she offered him a smile but kept pushing Bran away from the crowds. 'but I saw Jon die and hes back and I saw arya die, well drown and shes back... I felt them die sometimes too... rickon... I felt his death. I was him. I was running and then i was stabbed, he was stabbed but I felt it...'

'and what you did with your voice?' Bran questioned

'I did it to the white walkers... I killed a few hundred I think. But i... I collasped afterwards.' And lost the baby I was carrying as well. 'I woke up faster then the first time but I still cant control it fully.' She told him.

'but you are getting stronger? Healing faster?' bran questioned.

'Yes, but against a whole army, if I scream, they will fall but so will everyone else in my wake.... bran I cant risk hurting our people.' Rina told him bringing him to a stop. 'you look so handsome. Did I say that yet?' he smiled and shook his head. 'you look so handsome. I'm so very glad you are alive.'

'I'm glad you are alive as well. Rina I spoke to a man and he said that you are the key, you are stronger than you know and you will lead us to victory... without we lose.' Bran informed her.

'Bran I will do whatever I can I promise but I don't think I'm the key, I think the dragons are.' Rina told him.

'the night king has a dragon, he turned it and now it breathes ice... the dragons are useful and helpful but they are not the key to our success... you are.' 

Protect // Sandor Cleganeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن