Chapter one: Bite

Start from the beginning

Well at least she knows his name this time.

My eyebrows are still raised, and I still have no idea what the hell their on about.

"Laughing g g gas silly!" Lucy says like It was common knowledge.

Laughing gas. I could do that. "What are we waiting for then?" I ask a cheeky smile spreading across my face.


The laughing gas is great. A little painful though considering I have not stopped laughing for about 10 minuets straight!

It's warring off a little now, so I slouch down against a cold brick wall.

Carlos has got his fat hands all over my best friend. But she wants to be in controll of everything that happens here right? Doesn't look like she will even be able to get out of bed tomorrow, let alone do whatever she had planned for us.

He whispers something in her ear and tries putting his hand somewhere not even a drunk Lucy will allow. She swats his sausage fingers away and takes a step back. He looks hurt. But before he could do anything one of his friends passes the container of laughing gas and he takes a short breath, then passes it to a great-full Lucy. She takes a long slow breath. I do the same.

The gas takes a little to kick in, and Carlos sees this as an opportunity, that is if he's sober enough to see at all, to throw himself at Lucy meaty hands roaming more so that before. Lucy does not approve.

I suddenly feel a bit pedo like, just watching people.

She hits his chest but this doesn't stop him. Everything is happening so fast, or at least it seems that way.

He is Much bigger than her, and she is defenceless. He is trying to take her shirt off. But I've already began to react.

I get up behind him grab him by the shoulders and throw him down. His head hits the concrete, not hard though, and he gets up a sloppy evil grin spread cross his lipstick covered face.

"Leave. Now." I state.

He just laughs like it was up for debate. He steadies himself and staggers towards me.

As soon as the close enough I throw a punch right at his face. It turns from impact then turns back anger written all over it. Then comes the upper cut smacking him right in the jaw.

Almost falling, he come back at me, his clumsy punch easily dodged.

Clearly this particular piece of shit wants to be put in his place.

I launch a perfect roundhouse kick, it hits him square in the nose, blood spurting everywhere.

I used to love martial arts as a kid.

Finally falling to the ground, I give him one last kick in the head, more for my sake than his.

Lucy and i stare down at the seemingly sleeping man.

Neither of us can help bursting out in obnoxiously loud laughter, guess the gas decided to kick in.


I decided to go for a walk, needing the fresh air. I open the hospital doors and the icy air of 3:00am hits me sending shivers over my entire body.

Oh yea, didn't tell you about that did I I ? Well Lucy had hit her head trying to get away from that oaf of a man. And passed out so I rode with her in the ambulance. She's fine now so Im going for a walk.

I pull my coat on tighter as I walk along the deserted path.

Ireland is very pretty. There is a bit of woodland near a park, somewhere around here and I decide to go and have a look.

I found it quickly enough. I sit down on an old swing, take a deep breath looking into the thick woodland.

A strong wind blows making me even colder. I must get back soon I tell myself.

My teeth start to chatter as the wind gets stronger and colder, I pull my hat down trying to tame my long orange hair.

I get up deciding to leave before it gets worse.

I walk through a smaller part of the woodland to get back to the hospital deciding that The trees would help block the wind. They did.

There is a noise behind me.

I slowly turn to look, suddenly regretting going through the woods. Maybe Carlos followed me. No. Not possible.

That fat bastard was out cold. I smile at the thought turning back to my original corse.

I am faced with two ominous angry yellow eyes.

Frozen to the spot unable to move, I just stare.

A snarl rips through the morning air and the beast, which I now realise is a huge fucking wolf, flys toward me.

Suddenly my legs are able to move again and I sprint for dear life.

The wolf chases after me and is on top of me in seconds. Unable to fight back and pinned to the ground, tears begin to flow silently from my eyes. I hate myself for it. Crying is weak. I am not weak.

I always wondered how I would die.

This was not something I considered.

Not a giant Irish wolf?

The wolf almost seems to feel bad for me as it stops leaning on me so hard and moves its face a little further away.

What is it with vile creatures and me today?

I see this as my Chance. I turn and bite the wolfs leg. It tastes of mud and leaves. Ew. Why the fuck did I bite it you might wonder? Well all other parts of my body are being crushed into the ground right now. That's why.

The beast gives a pathetic yelp at my bite and I begin to crawl run away from it.

It hasn't got me yet so I start sprinting again.

I'm almost out the woods, hope surges through my body and I sprint harder.

The wolf has other ideas. I feel what is most definitely the worst pain I've ever been in seer up my leg. I fall to the ground and clutch my leg.

It's slick with my blood. I'm feeling light headed and burning hot. Sweat pours off my face and I scream. None hears me. My screams pierce the sharp air and I begin to shake violently.

My leg hurts past the point of excruciating. It burns stings and aches at the same time. The pain keeps growing worse and worse. My screams get louder and my body shakes more violently. Then the pain

wins over and I pass out.


Sorry it's kinda depressing! Will get better i promise !

Thank for reading, much appreciated. Hope you enjoyed

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