3. Walk The Talk

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"So I know you are new to the debate club so can you come over right now so I can show you the basics?", he said immediately when he finished calling me by my name. It was late at night , not just any late but the 11pm kind of late. I didn't care that my curfew was over. I had the idea of sneaking out through the window which i would obviously use because my mom and my so called step dad would refuse. I slipped into my jeans, sneakers and a crop hoodie. I know, i know its late and i shouldn't go all out on my outfit but earth to you, this was a guy i liked. Hair tied into a messy bun, check. Earrings, check. Daily glow, check. Right, ready to go! Bright my love here I come to get you. Agh fine love to be. Wiggles eyebrows*

"Uhm hello? Coming or nah?" Bright said waiting for my answer. Shooot! Bright was still on the line. So he heard all the noise i made, the squealing and the jumping. "I will be right there Bright, your place right?"

"No Kylie, not my place. Actually I got Steven, Ryan, Mona, Fiona and the others at Stephie's place... I'll text you the directions okay?", Bright said in between deep laughs but rest assured i was blushing.

Fuck it wouldn't be the two of us but either way I'm sneaking out to meet my prince charming. In a few seconds he sent directions and that would take me a 10 minutes walk from home. I knew where Stephie stayed by the way so it wasn't that difficult to pin the place.

I wish i was Rapunzel because wow. I didn't know how i was going to make it down considering the fact that I had never sneaked out not to mention throught the window! I so love the moon more especially that it provided me with liiiiigggghhhhht muhahahahaha. Okay yes its glow which it takes from me by the way made me not fear anything when walking to my love to be and the crew. Rolls eyes*

I thought it was a debate thingy but this felt more like a party for school nerdy nerds. Excuse me yalls. People were drinking from plastic cups, juice by the way. People sitting as pairs like couples except for the fact that they were debate opponents.

" Hey hun!", I needn't turn to see who it was because that voice belonged to Bright. Truth be told my smile was visible even when my back was facing his face. I turned around and he gave me a hug. I was extremely elated, and returned the hug although I was caught off guard.

"Listen up everyone, we have a new member whom some may know from school. Kylie is her name-", blah blah blah introductions went on and then Bright talked about debating, how to win against your opponent blah blah blah. We were then divided into pairs so everyone had a debate opponent. Mine being Bright, an expert at debating. The topic was " Falling in love is a weakness".

Great, just great. I'm debating with someone whom i believe i have fallen in love with and it is a witness. Great. "Oh yes it is! I mean who falls in love, our generation? What's the use of falling in love just to get heart broken.? Get over excited for someone who you know will later get away from you? You meet as strangers just to end as strangers again after they break your tiny heart into pieces! Having to feel insecure because they laugh with other people of opposite gender. Feeling that you aren't enough to please the person! Oh please its the 21st century ", Bright said before i could even point out my opinion. I don't know why but it was like he was talking directly to me. Call me crazy but i literally fell short of words and had nothing to say. I just let my mouth hang open with nothing, ntohing at all in defense. I don't know when and how but i felt myself tear up. One drop, two and many other tears came down.

Looking untouched Bright then continued. He smirked and said, " Girl in love is already crying? I'm not yet done sweetheart. To be honest let me set this straight, girls (the weaker gender) are the ones who have the weakness. You ask for a link up based on club issues and her joy is audible even with the call on hold but guess what, we boys who don't have that weakness end up hurting them purposely. " At that moment i knew i couldn't handle it anymore.

I rose to my feet and ran as fast as i could regretting that icame here in the first place... As i sped faster than a leopard I'm proud too by the way, i looked at the time onlyto find that it was 1:08 pm. Itwas late and the sounds in the night party (owls and shit) made me more scared. Which made me come to think of how the fuck i came to that place late at night ALONE!

I heard echoes of someone running behind me and them screaming my name. At first i thought it was all in my heard till i heard Bright yell, "Kylie wait-?"


Didn't expect that from our dear Bright did we.. Its for the best tho. I'm sorry for errors in the first chapter i was a lil nervous. But anyways please like, vote amd share.

One more thing, keep spreading love 🥺❤️🦋

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2022 ⏰

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