She did not wait for a second and ripped the unknown letter .

For this was the letter that her father had written her..

She would recive a letter that was written by her father and was given to her on every single birthday....

Mcgonnagal would read the little girl till she was 9 but soon after she gave it to read it herself ....

She ripped open the letter and started reading it with a really happy look on her face .

Dear Aurora.

Happy 11th birthday.. my baby girl is already 11. I hope you are alright and doing well. Kiddo I love you soo much. And so does your mother . We are so extremely happy for you that you are able to go to Hogwarts. Just know that we will be proud of you in whatever house you are in ... I was a slytherin and your mom was a Hufflepuff.
We will love you the same and hope that you truly enjoy your time at Hogwarts. Rora plz don't feel bad that we aren't here with you. Because I know you are . But remember that we will be at every second with you . And stay kind to everyone okay?. Love you loads from both of your parents




Aurora finished the letter with tears in her eyes .

She truly felt guilty that her parent gave their lives to save her

They gave their today for her tomorrow.

Aurora had forgotten about the other letter that was the Hogwarts.

Then there was knock on the door and it was Minnie who came by to tell her that they will be going to diagonally to get her school stuff. But as Minnie saw the tears in Aurora 's eyes . She gave her a sad look and engulfed the girl in her arms tightly.

Aurora never screamed ....she would cry and wince but never scream . She was also know was ALL MAD AURORA . For she had seen the world in a different way . For she had always been kind and gave 2nd chances. She was forgiving . She would give her life to save someone else, even if they had been bad to her . She knew that there was good in everybody . She would always see everyone equally important. She always supported people with disabled children or people who had hard time learning something. The girl adored walking barefoot in the nature.
She had created a special force with nature . The mother nature would pave ways for her to explore . All the animals would trail behind her. If she was about to trip and fall the nature which create a soft bed of grass to land on so she would not get hurt. She always would go to the forbidden forest and spend hours walking barefoot and exploring , talking to the animals and trees and put her legs in the warm stream.

For she was Aurora 

After a while she went to diagonally and  got her things.

One thing that Aurora did not know was her last name....but she did not know why?
10th,September 1991
Today was the day Hogwarts would start.....student had ten day prior to pack and do all the parent's thing? know  hugimg and kissing their children's  forehead and cheek...warning them about the danger and all.
Some students were able to come before 10th September and settle in.

Today was the day she would officially start her classes and be like the other students ... She would be sorted into her house and also her cousin draco malfoy would meet her again

Aurora was aware of what happened to her parents but was never able to figure out more.
She knew that narcissa and draco were her aunt and cousin. Lucius malfoy had been gone to Azkaban for his whole life after the fall of voldemort as he was a death eater and was also putting hogwarts in danger. Narcissa would often invite rora to the cottage that they lived in . After lucius was sent to Azkaban. Narcissa thought it was a waste for two people to live in a big manor so she bought a little cottage for her and her son to spent at .

There was 4 bedrooms with attached bathrooms. A kitchen and a living room and also there was a little library and a beautiful garden.

Rora had spent a lot of time in that cottage as she would go there often when ever she felt bored at Hogwarts.

Aurora was always kept hidden....even at Hogwarts......she was not even aware of the fact that she had a uncle....Sirius Black.
She was kept away from things and was learnt not to dwell on the past.

She was not known to the world a lot.. And she also enjoyed not being in the door light. She stayed with the people she loved and liked it .

She also was kinda close to draco a lot.

Draco was always protective of her. He would PUNCH anyone if they had been bad to her or made her cry... once when they were playing in the park some boy had called Aurora names so draco PUNCHED the boy so had that it started bleeding. He knew that rora was way too innocent and kind for the world and would do anything to keep his baby cousin safe. For Aurora was not selfish at all she was always sharing .

She would always break a piece of chocolate and give them to the people around her . Even if she did not get them she would share. For she found comforts and happiness in others people happiness.


After she was showered and dressed she went to minnie had her breakfast
And had gone to some muggle house where they were going to pick a girl to shop her things as well.

They had picked the girl up and had gone inside diagonally.

The girl had chocolatey beige skin and beautiful brown eyes and had wonderful luscious golden brown hair that fell on her shoulder . She was also holding a book in her hand . She looked very enthusiastic.

"Hi I am Hermione Granger!" The girl introduced herself

"Hello I am Aurora . It's a pleasure to meet you " aurora answered in her sing song voice

"Oh hi !! Oh sorry I tend to get excited  meeting people I am really sorry"Hermione looked guilty

"It's okay I understand Hermione. If I am not wrong you love reading books right" Aurora asked calmly like usual.

"Omg Yes. I have read so many books!!!!!but my favourite our Romeo and Juliet... ahhh what can i tell the book is full of so cute moments between two people and they are like a r-- oh I am sorry I am ranting isn't. You probably think I am weirdo cause that's what everyone say :(" Hermione finished with a sad face almost a guilty one.

Aurora giggled softly and said "Oh Hermione no I like it and Romeo and Juliet is also my favourite novel.. I have read it about 7 times because I am so bored. And it never fails to entertain me " aurora finished with a reassured smile.

"Oh really... thank you Aurora you are the only one to actually get me! "

Mcgonnagal  smiled and took the girls for shopping..

They soon finished and left.

Hi .....
One thing.
The train will start at 10....and Hogwarts will start at yea that one change I did..

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