Don't attack me.

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Well, this might be random

*insert the to be continued meme as everyone who has ever touched this story fricken murders me.*

Yeah, yeah, im back, surprised. Yeah, I'll let you answer that on your own. Also, I wrote all those at 12:25, so spelling mistakes will be made. I guess you wanna hear why this story didn't pan out. Well, lest start from the beginning.

As you know, I had promised to create a prequel and sequel to this story news flash none of that happened. (Actually, what happened was I wrote the entire prequel, and it got deleted, so I gave up.) And after that fiasco, I dropped this whole idea. I wasn't really into aga and I'm not exactly sure I'm into it now but I do know that this fan base is small and I would like to give people something to look forward to doing in there day so I have decided to not only revamp my old series but change it entirely. So before I explain all that, you probably want to hear how this first story would have ended, and just so you know. It's ain't pretty. Basically they would have tried to bring Goldie back on stages for ever but during his inspection Goldies nerves would activate and his spring locks would snap and he would bite the inspectors hand clean off and promptly be scrapped. Yeah, maybe it's a good thing I didn't write that.

Anyways my plan for revamp is to make a proper cover and bio to the story and stuff like that. Then I should probably say this next story will be more story and less askes. I very much enjoy throwing random wrenches into my story that people give me, but when you are writing any story, you need to be focused (YES, I AM WELL AWARE THAT I AM BEING A GIANT HYPROCATE) Anyways while yes I will be doing ask and dares and such but if you don't see yours in a chapter it will either come latter down the line or ot will not be added. Now to touch on more personal matters while back then I didn't care about pronouns I do now, I use they/him pronouns, just so you all can refer to me by not just saying Bean over and over again. Also this next book will be less AGA and more FNAF so if you love AGA but hate the og franchise this will not be the book for you. Secondly this story will be gory at times will it be gory at the start? No and will I leave a warning when there is a gory chapter? Yes. Thirdly my story will will have cuss words so if you don't like the words fuck or shit. It's kinda to late. Fourthly any homophobia and anything else hateful will not be tolerated. (This may seem over board but as I've grown I've come to the realization that the internet is not a good place to be so guess what mfs be kind to eachother.) Fithly, if I drop this next story and never come hack to it I will not feel sorry, I'm like 95% sure I have adhd and when writing was one of your special hobbies but then you suddenly hate it you sometimes really don't feel like doing it. Now if you have any other questions ask away I may or may not have answers but fuck it I wanna see what you guys think of thos whole new situation and here I'll show you something as a small sneak peak.

 Now if you have any other questions ask away I may or may not have answers but fuck it I wanna see what you guys think of thos whole new situation and here I'll show you something as a small sneak peak

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ASK GOLDIE ANYTHINGOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant