The waiting game

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"I'm so sorry Shadow Bonnie he ah" Chica was trying to apologise for Gold's actions but she couldn't find the words "It's ok he just cares about him and that should be fine he's aloud to express his feelings" "wow your way nicer than Shadow Freddy and speaking of him did he take Bonnie"

Shadow Bonnie's pov: I didn't want to tell the truth but if I wanted them to trust me so they can get him back I couldn't lie "uhm no that was m-my fault BUT SHADOW FREDDY USED ME"

Goldie's pov: I was gonna continue banging on the door cause He Took Bonnie but when he said he was used I stopped and sat in my bed and just sat there I was gonna play that puzzle of trying to put my mind together but I had all the pieces, it was weird I didn't feel hurt, sad, mad I felt happy and I knew why I had Bonnie he was alive and I was gonna kill to get him back .

Normal pov: "ok ..... Yeah ..... Bye" Henry was calling one of the mechanics about an special item and it was an off and on switch for the animatronics it was a small grey box had a button on it that was the same colour as the animatronics fur and below that button was a reset button .The off and on button turns off the animatronic until someone hits the button again to turn them on and it does not reset it, it actually saves all it's files and memories, you could say it's like turning off your phone but the reset button it clears everything just leaving a white blank canvas, so they forget people and places but its held were only the mechanics, Mike, Bonnie and Henry know, but you must make a call to someone else that your taking one out and the one that Henry was going to take out was Shadow Freddy's not to reset him but just to turn him off and place him in a room for some time Henry didn't think that far he just knew he had to lock up Shadow Fred but when you talk about them they have a certain name but with that name the has the name of the animatronic's name with it so Golds is .HST.Goldie and that's on the back of all of them.

"Ok everyone" Henry said clapping his hands together once "I know where the controls are but Shadow Freddy's needs to be fixed so Freddy please watch Gold we don't want him breaking anything or getting ... 'hurt' " "yeah of course Henry" Freddy said responding to Henry and getting up to check on Goldie *knock knock knock* "heya Goldie uhm you ok" there wasn't a response "Gold!!?" Freddy opened the door to see Gold laying down on his bed asleep "*huff*" Freddy walked to Gold's bed and sat down next to him and heard him purr. Freddy softly gasped he didn't know that Gold purred; he never heard him, even when they were younger it was weird but Fred just watched him till he got up and walked out, closing the door behind him. "Ok Fred you and the others have asks, is Goldie ok?" Mike asked "oh yeah he's just sleeping" "oh ok then, here's the first one this is from Freddy I dare you to kiss chica." Freddy had just sat down next to Chica and she gave him this happening now look grabbed him by his bowtie and kissed him for a split second and slightly pushed him away and he started blushing madly "ok then" mike said surprised "uhmm here's the next one this one is from LolaNickname For sb What did shadow freddy steal from you? "Uhmm there's two things but one thing he stole my- I'd rather not say sorry lola" "here's another one from Foxy don't act so rude I know you don't like Goldie but Freddy just about had a meltdown over the fact Goldie was hurt and Bonnie and Goldie like each other your just going to have to accept it" "ARE YOU KIDDING ME YOUR REALLY FALLING FOR HIS TRICKS ...*huff* At some point he's going to hurt Bonnie." "Foxy did you not see what Goldie just did he almost killed Shadow Bonnie you just stood there, shocked" Chica said angrily "ok here's one" Fred said grabbing the board from Chica so he could read the questions "this is from who said Butterscotch cinnamon pie for everyone :D except shadow freddy, I don't like him

I hate him "uhm wow th-thanks lola" Shadow Bon said still surprised cause no one ever gave him a gift "Ok uhmm this is from catsaresoooooawsome Foxy do you like Bonnie" "WHAT no he's just going to get hurt from the bilga rat and I hate seeing him heart broken" "honestly there's some people saying you should leave Gold alone Foxy" Freddy said scrolling thru the comments "yeah whatever".

Bonnie's pov: I woke up and honestly I was super chill I really didn't care then the massage board popped up and asked me are you going to ask Goldie out?, I froze and I could feel the blush scatter across my face "uuhm yea- YES-".

Normal pov: Then the question board popped up and asked Who is everyone's crush, even the shadows need to let out your feelings. The first person to respond was Goldie and he said still with his eyes closed "B-Bon" and blush started to scatter across his face then T.c said "Goldie 😊" she said all bubbly then puppet she was still in her box and she said in her shy voice "uhm T-T.c" and blush started to scatter across her face "That- lame'o" Toy.B said in a whisper "maybe Toy.b" T.Fred said in the same scared voice he always had "Foxy" Mangle said unfazed B.B, J.J and D.D didn't have one. Freddy whispered "chica" Chica said herself jokingly and then said Freddy Shadow Bonnie's face went red but he didn't want to say anything Foxy sighed and said under his breath "mangle", and Shadow Freddy just shrugged at the question and continued through the vents.

The last thing Bonnie remembered was hearing a vent open and something hitting him in the head.

Sorry for this short chp I just got bored of it and the next chp literally slips perfectly into place with this and after that chp is one I'm almost done writing anyways hope you guys are happy with this yes it's short and yes it's kinda bad but like I said I got bored of it anyways BYYEEE BEAN'OO OUUTT

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