Chapter 18- Battle Wounds

Start from the beginning


As the last of the trunks are loaded onto Rapunzel's caravan, I pull Cassandra to the side. Before she can object, I pull her into a hug. The young woman looks surprised at first but quickly returns the action. "Don't forget to practice your fighting skills while I'm gone." She says with a chuckle.

I nod. "Of course. Maybe I'll be able to beat you by the time you get back." I tease.

Cassandra ruffles my hair. "Don't get ahead of yourself, (nn)."

I smile up at Cass. "Be safe."

She pats the leather strap that secured her sword. "Always am."

"C'mon Cassandra! Can't have you slowing us down so soon!" Eugene teases from atop the caravan, making sure to put extra emphasis on the fact he was pronouncing Cassandra's name wrong.

Cass reaches for her sword. "I may need to use this sooner than I thought."

"Cass, NO!"

:-Two Weeks Later-:

Ruddiger happily chatters as we walk down the quiet halls. I quickly shush the raccoon; if he were to wake anyone, the plan would be ruined. I suppose I couldn't blame him, however. After all, he hadn't seen his best friend since...the incident.

I knew the trouble I would be in if I was caught sneaking into the dungeon at one in the morning, but I knew it was now or never. My dad had refused to let me speak with Varian, so it was time to take matters into my own hands. After my talk with Rapunzel, I knew I had to make things right with him, or at least try.

I take a deep breath as I approach the door to the dungeon. Two guards were on duty, both desperately trying to stay awake. I feel a bit relieved. If they were already tired, it may be easier to sneak in than I first thought. I give Dandelion her signal, and she nods. The red rabbit dashes across the hall, holding my tiara in her mouth. The guards gasp in horror when they see one of the kingdom's most valuable treasures being carried off by a bunny, and quickly follow after her.

I giggle a bit and seize my opportunity to sneak into the dungeon. I quickly grab the keys on my way in and secure them in my pocket. I shiver a bit as I feel the scowls and angry looks of the prisoners on me, and quickly cover my head with the hood of my cloak. Even though I was perfectly safe from the criminals, I still felt on edge. I let out a sigh as I finally reach the cell I was looking for.


I gaze at the boy. Varian was a hollow shell of the cheerful, carefree boy he once was. His blue eyes had dark circles underneath them, and his already scrawny body was thin and frail. The untouched meal tray in the corner of the cold cell gave me enough evidence as to why. "You should really eat something."

Varian glances at me. "Don't talk to me as though you have some kind of authority over me." He spat.

I'm taken aback. "I-I wasn't...I'm not trying to do that!" A few prisoners glance our way when they hear my volume go up. I lower my voice. "Varian. I just want to talk. Please."

Varian's hard stare softens, and he hugs his knees close to his chest. I hesitantly pull the keys out of my pocket and slowly open the cell door before stepping inside. Varian looks surprised by my actions. "Why are you coming in here? Aren't you afraid of me?"

I shake my head. "I know you won't try to hurt me. That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about. But before that, I have something for you." I give Varian a small smile and open the cell door a crack.

Ruddiger happily scurries inside, and Varian's face lights up. "Ruddiger!!" The raccoon hops into the boy's lap, and Varian gently strokes his fur.

I close the cell door and sit on the bench across from Varian's.

"Why would you do something so nice for me? What's the catch?" The alchemist skeptically asks.

"There is no catch. I'm only asking that you hear me out."


I take a deep breath and ask the question that has been on my mind since the battle of Old Corona. "Why did you save me?"


"You could've let me get killed by the black rocks during the battle. It certainly would've distracted everyone long enough for you to escape...but you didn't. You risked your entire plan to save my life. Why?"

Varian looks away. "...I-I didn't want to lose another person I care about."

I felt speechless. I knew Varian missed his father, but I had no idea that he cared about me so much. On one hand, I wanted to hug him and tell him I still care about him too, but on the other, I knew that we still had a long road ahead of us. I may still see the good in Varian, but that doesn't mean that there isn't still bad in him too. He tried to kill my family and take over the kingdom. That isn't something he can be easily forgiven for.

But even after everything we've been through, I know that deep down, he's a boy who misses his father. Varian had just lost his way.

"Look, Varian..." I sigh, not even knowing where to begin.

"There's the princess!!"

Varian and I look up as the two guards burst into the dungeon, and head our way. I quickly stand up and step out of the cell as they rush to my side. "What were you doing in there your highness? If your father found out-"

The guard who was speaking is cut off by a large, booming voice. "I already know."

Everyone gasps when they see the king standing in the doorway, an angry look on his face.

I swallow the lump in my throat.


"I can't believe you would act so irresponsibly!"

I sigh and mentally note that that was the ninth time my dad had told me I was irresponsible since calling this "emergency family meeting."

"I don't know why you're so upset, dad," I say while crossing my arms over my chest. "You were never going to let me talk to Varian if you had your way."

"Because he tried to kill you!" the king shouts.

Mom nods. "I have to agree with your father on this one, (yn). Varian is dangerous."

"Listen, I know Varian has done horrible things, but he still saved my life. I was going to get impaled by one of those black rocks during the battle if it wasn't for him. He risked his own plan and objective for my sake." I look my dad square in the eyes. "If he was willing to do that for me, I don't think that Varian is truly evil."

"That doesn't change the fact that he has committed several crimes against the kingdom." Dad firmly states. "He's a criminal."

"We're only looking out for your best interests." Mom gently says.

"If you were really looking out for my best interests, you'd actually listen and try to understand where I'm coming from!" I sigh. "Varian was my best and only friend. I don't want to lose that if I can help it. He's never given up on me, so I won't give up on him."

Mom walks over and hugs me. "I know this is hard for you, but we can't just free Varian after everything he's done. That boy is a threat."

I push myself away from the queen. "I'm not asking you to free him. Heck, I'm not even asking you to forgive him! All I'm asking is that you trust me. Please."

Dad stands up. "What did you have in mind?"

Hey everyone and welcome back! Thanks to all of you for making it this far, and coming back after my temporary hiatus lol. I'm so excited to show you guys what I have in store for party two, because boy oh boy is it a roller coaster!
I'd also like to thank all of you for 4 thousand views! It makes me so so happy to know that even after two years of the show being over, the TTS/RTA fandom isn't completely dead. I'm so grateful for all of you! A ton of my motivation to write comes from my readers, so in a way, you guys are also playing a part in creating this book! So thanks again! Enjoy part 2!


P.S. Updates with still be every Wednesday;)

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