Chapter 30 "The Beach Trip"

Start from the beginning

After all, I wasn't going to mention them to the others. By the time I exited my thoughts, the movie and it's credits were completly over. Everyone was getting up to go do their own stuff.

That's when I got the best idea. The beach was nearby and the more I teleported, the higher my xp was to take more people further out. I could take us all to the beach and back with a few teleports to spare.

I got up, grabbed Boo and I put away the bowl and drinks and ran to my room. Everyone was so confused because I always teleported. Even Boo was confused.

"Boo, I have the best idea, we are going to the beach so pack your shit." I told him. He turned back and started to pack. I teleported to the living room and yelled, "We are going to the beach! Pack your shit!"

I teleported to my room and continued to pack as I heard a ton of footsteps outside my door. It must have been everyone getting their stuff ready. Boo and I had to get special gear to protect our enderman traits from the water but we were going to have such a fun time.

After about an hour, we were all ready. We gathered in a circle as Dream handed me a picture of the beach. We all held hands and I teleported us all to the beach.

It looked amazing with the calm waves and smooth sand. We started to set up our stuff farther away from the water then where we teleported. Just incase of high tide. We didn't want our stuff to get wet.

Boo had decided to be shirtless with a donut pool floatie. I of course, was red when I saw this but got over it when Dream scared me from behind. He laughed and ran so I ran after him at full speed.

It was like manhunt but irl this time. It somehow wasn't cold outside despite it being the middle of November. Must be because we were in florida or somethin.

I continued to run after Dream and decided once we were far away enough from our little spot, I would teleport away. And soon enough, Dream sped up and got far from our base. I smirked and teleported back to Boo who, to no suprise, was still shirtless.

I teleported to next to Philza instead while everyone laughed a bit. "Phiiiiilza get him to put on a shirt!" I said to Philza.
"Ok mate" He said while snickering. He handed Boo a shirt and Boo dramaticly put it on.

"Not my fault you can't handle my beauty!" Boo said to me. I smirked and teleported to next to them. I grabbed them by the waist and picked them up. He had no idea that thanks to my enderman side and the other one, my stength doubled.

When Dream got back, he saw me yeet Boo into the ocean. Boo didn't seem to be too happy about that too. I turned around to leave them there when he grabbed me by the jacket I had on and pulled me back.

I managed to land on them and it was hilarious. I got off them and saw that there was some blood on his mask. I pulled them out of the water and called Philza over.

"Philza get over here we gots a problem!" I yelled. Philza came over and saw what happened. Boo took off his mask and Philza got an idea of what happened.

"Y/n, it might be best for you to also put a shirt on the prevent this." Philza said with a snicker. Me and Boo looked at eachother and instantly got what he meant so I took off my wet jacket.

I put on a spare shirt and looked at Boo.

He had put his mask back on, we told eachother my plan when we looked into eachothers eyes

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He had put his mask back on, we told eachother my plan when we looked into eachothers eyes. He nodded and we ran over to Dream. Dream was confused and was going to say something when we grabbed him and dragged him to the water.

We got into the water a bit and pushed him in. As he fell into the water and we laughed, he grabbed both of us and we all went down into the water together. Suddenly, Nihachu ran over to us and hopped into the water.

It was a perfect dive but she didn't come back up. We were starting to get worried when we heard her voice like normal. She could breath underwater. That was super op. Tubbo with Micheal walked over and they played in the very shallow water.

Karl did a dive and got water on all of us so naturally, Quackity did a cannon ball. Wilbur ran over, jumped into the water and landed on Quackity. "OWWW!" We heard Quackity yell. We all burst into laughter even Quackity giggled a bit.

Laughter was contagious. George put on his sunglasses and ran over but didn't jump in, he checked the temperature of the water by only dipping his foot in the water. It was clear he needed some help.

Me and Boo pulled him and he yelled about how cold the water was. It was hilarious.

It All Started With A Glitch (Ranboo x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now