She didn't even have time to run away from the man before he was in her space. His burning hot hand was clutching her throat, lifting her off the ground. Her feet kicked at him trying to get him off her, but it was no use. His free hand ignited and pressed against her side, burning away her clothes and eating away at her pale flesh. A bloodcurdling scream ripped from her throat despite the pressure blocking off her airway. Her fingers reached up, nails ripping away the skin of his fingers to get him to release her but the flame eating her side grew hotter. Tears streamed down her face, and she could hear that Zuko had woken up, hearing her scream. Knowing that he was witnessing her pain she hardened her resolve to escape the fire lord's clutches. She brought her knees to her chest as best she could and blasted fire from the soles of her feet. The blast was enough to put space between them and they both went flying. She landed on the bed, Zuko barely moving out of the way in time. Ozai on the other hand, ended up by the bedroom door. There had been enough force behind the flames but not enough heat to hurt the older man.

Adrenaline coursed through her as she righted herself on the bed. She stood from the bed not feeling the pain in her side yet. She held fire daggers in her palms and glared at the man that called himself Zuko's father.

"You will not touch either of us. Ever again." She growled. The Fire lord jumped up from the floor, his hair a mess after having been blown across the room.

"You'll die for that, you insolent little..."

"Ozai!" a voice rang out from behind the angered man, and she sighed in relief. Iroh stood behind his brother with two bags slung over his shoulder. "That is quite enough. Let the children go."

"If I ever see that little bitch in my country again, she will die." Ozai threatened before storming out of the room smoke streaming from his hands as he went.

Knowing she was safe she let out a breath and dropped to the floor, black spots converging in her vision. The pain in her side was unbearable and she knew that she was about to pass out. Even so, she used what remaining energy she had and reached out to Zuko. His hand clung to her immediately and he was on the floor next to her. She blinked hard, willing the spots away from her vision so she could see him clearly.

"Asana... that was reckless and stupid." Zuko cried out to her, and she chuckled.

"It was worth it." She breathed out and her vision faded into nothing as she lost consciousness.


She woke slowly, crusty eyes peeling open to take in her surroundings. It was darker in the room than she thought it was going to be. The walls were black metal and only one candle was lit under a fire nation banner. Opposite where she was laying, she saw that a small dresser was against the wall with a meditation mat set before it and her bow resting in its cradle on top. She eased herself into a sitting position, ignoring the stinging in her side as she sat up. Every muscle in her side was tugging and aching. Looking down she could see the bandages wrapped around her torso and she cringed remembering what had happened.

Ignoring the pain, she swung her legs over the edge of the bed and reached for the dark red robe at the end of the bed. Wrapping it around herself, she secured it loosely to avoid putting pressure on her injured side. Leaving the room, she wandered around the halls in search of the main deck. She knew where she was going, having been on a fire nation war ship plenty of times in her life. Despite her pain, there was one person she wanted to see at that moment, but she wasn't sure if he was in his own room or wandering the ship as well.

Soon she found herself out on the main deck, alone and in the cold with only the stars to keep her company. A deep sigh left her lips as she made her way over to the railing to look down at the ocean below her. A slight breeze tugged at her hair, trying to free the curls from their ribbon at the base of her neck. She had no way of knowing how far away they were from home, which made her heart ache. She had never been so far away from home. Even though everyone she cared about was on the boat with her, she had left everything she knew back in the fire nation. Tears formed in the corners of her eyes, but she didn't have the energy to release them. She was so numb to everything that had happened, even the cold didn't bother her.

Legends of Asana: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now