Male! Ghostfox Y/N x Blaxor (the gootraxian): Survivor's Savior

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woo i'm back from my break.
Yeah dont worry i'll do a female or nonbinary/genderfluid y/n story soon enough

You're a former police officer because you got sent to one of the Laminax Facilities and have no way out.

You had picked up a broken taser, hoping to repair it. Though after you heard the loud noise of a Nightcrawler approaching, you immediately ran towards the shark pond. You gasped before you fell into the water, on your knees. You could see electricity sparking from your belt, you managed to pull out the taser, but it was too late. You dropped it, causing even more pain on your behalf. You could see goo rising from your legs, a fusion of the electricity and the water. This was your fate, to become one of them, foolish things that only want to infect and kill. It adjusted everything that made you, you. You fell down into the shallow water, curling up in a ball and silently weeping from the pain, and the knowledge of your fate, the world was turning black, and you gave up. There was no escaping from this. 

"Ey, Ghostfox? thing, wake up," You heard a female voice say, you were alive. You remembered your name, but not anything else.

You felt a warm, paw grab onto you, and helping you up. It was one of those watermelon shorks, Blaxors, weren't they called? They wore a reporter's outfit. You looked at yourself, light pale blue goo incased you, causing you to jump back. You wanted to run out of the shark pond, in fear of being eaten by those sharks. You had seen them in action against one of those, Slimehounds. 

"It's alright pal," the Blaxor said, "I'm Freiya, you?" 

You coughed a bit, having some trouble speaking, "I'm... Y/N." More coughing.

"Great name, now come on, if those chasers see us they'll murder us for sure," Freiya said and pulled you along as she started running towards the garden.

Too late.

You were pounced on by, a ghost Slime pup dragon. You went invisible, but he had already pinned you to the ground, attempting to start to absorb you for its own survival. The goo that incased its body dripped onto you, starting to painfully make you one of them somehow. Once that happened they could simply shove you into their mass.

You felt a weight being lifted off of your shoulders, you saw Freiya throw it into the water. The ghost Slime pup dragon whimpering before, dissolving?

"You ok Y/N?" Freiya asked as she helped you up.

"Yeah," you muttered, as you cleaned yourself, "What were does?" 

"Chasers, mindless beings that just endlessly chase any living being through any obstacle. Humans and gootraxians can lead them to the shark pond, though humans can also lead them into the safe zone. There was a blackout recently, Chasers seem to appear much more often during blackouts and power outages." Freiya explained as she led you to the small outdoor-like area that always had snow covering the artificially grown grass, "Chasers are too afraid to go out here, they generate quite a bit of body heat."

You curled up into a ball, slightly traumatized from that experience. Freiya patted you on the back, "Ey, it's ok. I won't let them get you, alright?" She sat on the snow-covered ground next to you.

You leaned against them, slowly falling asleep.

"I'll be your savior, alright?" 

"Alright..." You murmured as you fell asleep. 

This is kinda short, though uh whatever.
Request from M0th_staws
Words: 578

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