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Daisy and Derek walked towards everyone with a smile on their faces

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Daisy and Derek walked towards everyone with a smile on their faces. Everyone turned to them as JJ told them what happened to Daisy and everyone either assumed she was pregnant or stomach bug. Daisy held up the pregnancy test that was positive with excitement on her face, "We're having a baby!" Gasps were heard from all the girls as the men smiled at the couple. Congratulations were spread around and Nancy came over with a good idea, "Why don't we go to the rodeo tomorrow to celebrate! I'll take the ladies shopping for outfits and Nate will help the men." Daisy and Derek smiled at her in reply, making her smile back glad they liked her idea. Derek then lead his now pregnant girlfriend to her room so she can rest for the night. She giggled at her boyfriend before waving to everyone goodnight. Nancy looked at the remaining women in front of her, "We will leave tomorrow morning at 8. So, I would get some rest tonight." All the girls, except Melinda, clapped or smiled in excitement. Melinda groaned as she had to wake up early before leaving. Aaron frowned upset that she didn't kiss him before she left and followed after her. She made her way to the door only to be pushed against it by Aaron and she gasped. "You left without kissing me." Aaron whined making her giggle and kiss him as she went to pull away, only for him to place his hands on her cheeks keeping her to his lips. He was the one that pulled away and rested his head against her forehead. "I love you." Aaron tells her with adoration She smiled at him, "I love you." They let go of one another before Jack ran over to them. He gripped onto Melinda's leg and pressed his head to it. She looked down at him and picked him up making him giggle. Aaron placed a hand on her waist and pulled her close to him so the three of them were close. She smiled at him as she opened the door letting the men into the room. They soon got ready for bed and went to sleep.

Two Teams in One

It was the next day and Melinda was still asleep, at least she thought, and so Penelope came up with a good, yet stupid, idea. She walked into the room, with the other women close behind, and looked at the bed in the room. There was a lump under the blanket making them think she was still sleeping and crept slowly to the bed. JJ looked at Penelope with curiosity and fright, "Are you sure we should do this? Do you not know what she can do?" Penelope looked to the SHIELD women with curiosity, "How is she when she is woken up?" Daisy scoffed, Jemma giggled at their stupidity. Yoyo was the one to answer, "We aren't dumb enough to go and wake her up. I think we would all be dead if we did that." Bobbi nodded in agreement, "Yeah. She would straight up murder us if we went to wake her up." Penelope pouted as if her plans were foiled but then jumped onto the lump on the bed. The other women in the room gasped or looked in worry for whoever was underneath. Penelope sat up and removed the blanket to see pillows in its place. "You really thought that I would be under there?" Melinda asks and she walks in behind them making all of them turn to her in fright. She looked at them with a smirk as she fixed the bed of her little prank and they watched in shock. "I thought-I thought" Penelope stutters and was cut off by Melinda, "You thought that I would be still asleep and brought all the girls in here to wake me up. You then realized that I wasn't asleep and was awake the whole time." Penelope nodded in embarrassment making Melinda chuckle and pat her head. "You're fine. It's not the first time that someone tried to wake me up." Melinda tells her making the happy-go-lucky girl smile that the stoic girl wasn't mad at her. Emily looked at Melinda with an impressed look, "That was some good profiling there. Who has been teaching you?" Melinda shook her head, "No one. I have been listening to you guys during your profile meetings and began to train myself." JJ smiled at her with pride, "I'm glad that you like what we do but we do have matters to attend to today." Daisy smiled at them all and lead the way out of the room, and to Nancy, who was outside, smiling with glee and the boys were there, too. She smiled at them as they all made their way to her. "Hello ladies! Glad to see all of you are up! Let's get going, shall we?" Nancy asks and the ladies all nodded or smiled in excitement as their significant others made their way to them. Derek kissed Daisy's forehead and placed a hand on her stomach, "Be careful, alright? I don't want our little one injured or worse." Daisy nodded and kissed his cheek before letting him go back to the others. Spencer walked over to Jemma and she grabbed his hand with their engagement ring on it and held it. He smiled and grabbed hers to kiss the top of it before holding it. "Love you. Stay safe." Spencer tells her as she kissed his cheek before going to Daisy. Aaron walked over to Melinda with a smile that she had never seen before making her worry. He chuckled at her expression and grabbed her hands in his, "Behave. I don't want to have to bail you out of jail if something wrong happens." Melinda smirked and shook her head, "Well what if it was someone trying to steal me from you?" He chuckled again and looked at her with a smirk, "Then you better do something about that." She chuckled in response and began bending down to kiss Jack's head and whispered, "I love you. Make sure your father doesn't do anything too rash, alright?" Jack nodded at her in response making her smile at him. Melinda got up from the ground and looked at Aaron as he placed a hand on her waist to pull her closer to him. She looked up at him and he leaned down and kissed her before letting her go. She walked back to Daisy to make sure that the girl was ok, seeing as she just found out she was pregnant yesterday. The girls left to get outfits for themselves for the rodeo leaving the boys alone with Nate.

Two Teams in One

It was time for the rodeo and everyone was ready to go. Jack and Henry were the most excited as they always wanted to go to a rodeo, since they watched western movies for the first time. Daisy was excited that they were going in celebration of her and Derek having a kid. She didn't think that she would get pregnant before Jemma and Spencer but she guessed it happens. Jemma and Spencer were super excited, because they had been talking about going to a rodeo before, but never thought to go to an actual one. Mostly everyone on the team was excited and enthusiastic about going to a rodeo as they finally had a break from all the missions and cases they've been on for months on end. Derek walked over to Daisy and kissed her head, and placed a hand on her belly where there baby is. "Can't believe this day is just because we are having a baby." Derek tells Daisy and she smiled, "I know. I'm so happy right now!" Nancy stopped making everyone all stop and look at her, "Now, enjoy yourselves! Do whatever you want, but I want May to come with me. I want to show her something that her wonderful boyfriend suggested." Melinda's eyes widened and looked at her boyfriend, who was smirking to himself at what he just suggested. Everyone dispersed and did what they wanted to do as Melinda was dragged by Nancy to where they were going. Aaron and Nate were laughing at how Melinda looked already tired of this day. Melinda didn't know where she was going until she heard music and her eyes widened when she realized what they were going to do. "No! I can't!" Melinda told them and tried to get out of Nancy's grip only for her to tighten it. "Girl, you will be fine. Trust me, you'll like it." Nancy tells her and Melinda gave up and just let herself be dragged inside where their was dancing at. Nancy stopped dragging her and looked at her and Aaron with a smile. "Follow our lead." Nate tells them as him and Nancy walked onto the dancefloor and began to dance like pros. Aaron and Melinda watched for a moment to understand what they are doing before joining in. Aaron held his hand out to his girlfriend for her to take, making her look at it then to him. He chuckled, "We will never say we tried if we never took a chance to try it." Melinda looked back at his hand and then eventually grabbed it. She took his hand making him smile at her before leading her to the dance floor. They get to the dancefloor and follow what the married couple were doing as the best they can. Aaron scared her for a second by twirling her but then she relaxed into dancing with him. He pulled her closer and looked down at her, admiring how beautiful she was. She looked up at him and leaned in to kiss him, making him kiss back. They pulled apart but continued to dance.

Two Teams in One

The rest of the team were out doing various things until they were going to watch the rodeo. Nancy and Nate had suggested they go see it before they all left. Spencer, Jemma, Derek, and Daisy were looking at the rides they had. Yoyo, Mack, JJ, Leopold, and Emily went to go look at the games and try to win prizes. David and Phil were just walking around until they heard slow country music playing in the distance. They walked towards the sound and saw a massive tent and a dance floor. They walked closer and saw two familiar couples, Nate and Nancy and Aaron and Melinda, dancing to the music. Phil and David smiled seeing the stoic couple dancing to the music as if they had been doing this for a long time. They watched as Aaron twirled her and brought her back to him. He looked over his girlfriend's shoulder to see Phil and David looking at them. He smiled at them as they watched him and his girlfriend dance together. Phil and David knew that they would soon have to ruin the moment to get them to the rodeo. Phil sighed and walked over to them with guilt on his face and since Aaron was looking at him, he knew what was going to happen. He let go of his girlfriend making her confused and looked at him but he was looking ahead at Phil. She turned towards the two man close by and realized what was going on. "Hey! The rodeo is going to happen soon! The boys are getting impatient!" Phil tells the couples that were dancing and Nancy smile with excitement, "Well, we don't want to keep them waiting, do we?" Nancy began leading the way towards everyone who were waiting to go to the rodeo. Everyone went in and enjoyed their time at the ranch, however, they were going to be sad once they leave.

 Everyone went in and enjoyed their time at the ranch, however, they were going to be sad once they leave

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Two teams in One/ CM&AOS crossover fanficWhere stories live. Discover now