"Malenia.." He'd whisper before crouching down to her. And thus, their long journey to home began from that moment.

They were finally home and Remus gave her hand a squeeze before getting up on his knees, leaving her to sleep in her room. He shut the door behind her and with a sigh, he makes his way to the Brace of the Halgitree. Miquella, he wonders, is he faring well? There was a lingering hope that maybe, just maybe, he might've woken up from his slumber. Cursed by eternal childhood, he wore he'd break it by fusing himself with the tree. He was always a smart one, that Miquella, so much so he also seeked for a cure for Malenia. He wondered if he opened the entrance to the Brace, would he be out or still fused with the branches.

He walks down the stairs and the first thing he sees horrifies him. His expectations were killed right in front of him when he saw the egg Miquella put himself in had hatched. Almost as he was carved out, leaving a vacant hole in the tree. But that's not what scares him. His gaze lingers down to find a pool of blood.

"M-Miquella.." He stammered. Remus turned left and right, scanning for any signs of existence but nothing.

"No, no, no.." He turned around, running up the stairs before his wings emerged from his back. It was almost like his injuries ceased to exist and now fear plagued his mind, checking at every room and every section of the tree Miquella could wander off to.

'If he got out, he wouldn't just leave! What happened to him?! What in the god's name is going on!'

"Miquella?! WHERE ARE YOU?"

And then the sudden realization came to mind. He went back to the brace and noticed that where he hatched, there was no sign of his blood. The puddle of blood underneath on the grass, however, was the only thing and he realized it could not be Miquella's blood.

Someone captured him. Took him away from his own home. Remus' shoulders quavered and as he tried to catch his breath, he collapsed on his knees. Anxiety rushed through him before the tears began to flow.

"No...why, why must this happen!" And with that, he screams out in rage and tears flow down his cheeks as he sobs, realizing that Miquella was truly gone and Remus failed as his shadow.

Who would've known of their place? Only the three and their mother and father knew but no one else. Did he fail keeping its location covertly? It didn't matter now. He was out of his grasp. Miquella, the person he's meant to protect..

His own friend, gone.

Life felt it was unraveling. Malenia in a seemingly, deep coma with Miquella gone. Remus, now all alone..

The shattering ruined everything for them. It was never meant to happen but once Queen Marika shattered the Elden Ring, chaos spread amongst the royal capitol of Lendyll and everyone dispersed, leaving their homes.

It was never like this, though. Before all the battles they had to endure, it was a quaint and almost peaceful kingdom.


The little empyrean girl woke with a strangled cry, clawing at her own skin when rot took ahold of it. She scratches the harsh texture of scales running up her neck, nearly peeling it but it was no use. The rot was so itchy, she cried and screamed and this alone, alerted the maidens. Her mother, riveted by the news, came running with her husband Radagon by her side. They stormed through her bedroom, seeing their daughter's screams persist. Her twin, Miquella wanted to reach for her but her maiden pulled him back.

"Don't get near her!" Marika scanned the room and by the bed, she saw two of the other maidens on the floor, collapsed and coughing as red mist engulfed them.

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