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Meanwhile, in an abandoned building in the city of Iquitos, Henry Stickmin and Ellie Rose were hiding, they had robbed the Toppats' train just a few days before and had managed to usurp a huge amount of money in gold, they took a whole wagon full of gold! They also managed to put an end to the life of the Right Hand Man, but that did not prevent the Toppat Rocket from taking off anyway, so they hid in an abandoned building where no one would dare to enter on the outskirts of Iquitos. Henry stayed in the place to protect the loot, while Ellie went out for a while to see if they could get some help; but she came back empty handed. Although they were practically stranded in the middle of the jungle, without a vehicle and with no way to secure their money and in a city where they knew nobody, Henry had managed to contact a friend of his named Charles, he was a pilot who had previously helped him to capture Reginald Copperbottom, and had managed to contact him to be rescued as a favour for helping them, what Ellie and Henry didn't know was that they were actually going to be rescued to be part of Almagro's master plan to take over the Toppat Space Station. 

-Hey, Henry -Ellie said-. You haven't told me, why you ended locked up in The Wall? You think you're ready to tell me? 

Henry turned away and thought about it for a bit, he didn't know if he should tell her, he wanted to say it, he wanted to get that thorn out of his chest, but he wasn't sure, he didn't know if it was time yet. Henry decided not to tell the truth, he first wanted to trust Ellie more, so he decided to make up a false story. 

-Hm -Henry snorted-. Okay, I'll tell you; After being pardoned by the Government, I decided to lead a quieter life, I wanted to live in the north, in Nutka, a sparsely inhabited but very beautiful region, more pleasant and welcoming than what is further south. I decided to settle in a small town to start a new life, but I made bad decisions, thanks to an annoying neighbour I got in trouble with The Wall, they found out about my history and decided to lock me up. 

-What happened with that man? -Ellie asked curiously-. 

-Well... -Henry was having trouble inventing something that sounded convincing-. He wouldn't stop complaining about my presence, I don't know what that crazy man had in his head, he always insulted me every time he saw me and said pure bad things about me, I don't know why he did that, maybe because he liked to watch the news and he saw when I stole the Tunisian Diamond. But as much as I put up with it to avoid problems, the man kept bothering and bothering me, one day he even scratched the walls of my house calling me demon or something like that, the thing is that the next day he overwhelmed my patience and, I'll only say that I knocked out a few teeth from him. 

-Wow, I don't know what to say -Ellie said after a while-. 

-Wait, I don't want you to think I'm a bad person, that's not true! -Henry regretted his story for a moment-. It's just that, I needed money, I didn't have the best opportunities when he was a kid, I didn't do it out of spite, I don't want you to think that of me. 

-Okay, I understand your situation, I also went through similar things -Ellie said-. 

-Really? Hey, now that I think of it, you haven't told me why you ended up locked up either -Henry did his best to change the subject-. What happened? 

-Well, lemme tell you -Unlike Henry, Ellie was willing to tell the truth-. Before entering the world of the bad life, I used to be a normal girl, or so I thought, my parents took pains to give me everything I needed; education, food, affection, I had a very decent life. 

-So what happened? Why did you leave that life with your parents? 

-I didn't leave it, they took it from me -She said in a sepulchral tone-. My parents worked in a mining company in the mountains, but a rival company had plans to bring down the competition, so the unhappy bastards sabotaged some machinery in the mine and caused an accident, my parents were unlucky enough to be there, they did not survived. 

A moment of silence passed, both of them at a loss for words. 

-Ellie, I'm... I'm so sorry -Henry said after a long silence-. 

-Thank you very much, but don't worry, I've learnt to live with it, after a few years the Government discovered this and sentenced those involved to death, they were shot and their company was expropiated. 

-Then, if they finished with those responsible, what did you do? Why did you end up on The Wall?

-Look, I was a girl, and at that time the new constitution had not yet entered into force, and given the circumstances, I was left to my own. I went through the world of crime, abuse, violence, I was in a gang a few years ago, it didn't start nor end well. 

Henry realised that Ellie was affected by remembering those times, so he hugged her to comfort her. 

-Don't worry, at least we were lucky enough to find each other, don't you think so? -Henry whispered in her ear-. 

-That's true -She answered-. But well, that's when they locked me up in The Wall, those pigs sold me out, they needed a scapegoat to blame and that was me, while they got away with it...

Henry tried to calm her down, promising that she would settle accounts with them later, but he also took the opportunity to ask her who her contacts were that revealed the location of the Toppat train.

-Ah, them, well, they were customers who used to buy merchandise from me, when I talked to them they told me that they didn't like that my old gang had betrayed me, so they stopped buying merchandise from them too. 

The two talked for a while longer, until it got dark, Henry told her that tomorrow the Government would come to pick them up, so he advised her to go to sleep, but first, Ellie asked him something. 



-You know there's just one bed. 


-...are you comfortable sharing?

Assault on the Space Annex! A Henry Stickmin FanFiction (English edition)Where stories live. Discover now