The girl turned her head to look the other way and Jesse almost fell off of his chair. Her hair... it was dark brown and blond. Her hair was parted messily down the middle. Her right side of hair was dark brown and her left side was dyed blond. Her hair was straight, but not straightened. Long and silky. Jesse had never seen hair dyed like that before. He wanted to keep looking at her, forever, maybe, if he could.

What was her name? It was probably long and pretty. Or maybe short and sweet. Either way, it was probably the most perfect name he would ever hear. Once he heard it, of course.

"Jesse, are you even -- ?" Mr. White growled, forcefully putting his hand on the table and turning around to see where Jesse was staring at. Mr. White's anger in his face quickly faded when he saw who Jesse was looking at.

"Devon?" Mr. White gasped.

Devon. Jesse sighed. It was a perfect name.

Devon looked up timidly, her eyes darting around before quivering on Mr. White. She awkwardly smiled, waving her fingers slowly towards Mr. White, although Jesse imagined she was waving at him.

"What are you doing sitting over there? Come sit with Mr. Pinkman and I," Mr. White said, suddenly becoming happy again, or as happy as he could come across as.

Jesse's eyes continued to gaze at Devon as she awkwardly got up from her table, flinging her bag over her shoulder a little too forcefully and half-tripped over the leg of the table as she nervously ran-jogged over to the table. Jesse cringed as he rubbed the back of his neck and strained his mouth into a forced smile.

"C-Can I sit here?" Devon asked, pointing at the seat next to Jesse.

"Oh, of course, sure, sit down," Jesse stammered, taking his jacket off of the back of the empty chair.

"T-Thank you," Devon smiled quickly and sat down, playing with the hem of her long sleeves forcefully and absent-mindlessly. Jesse assumed it was a habit.

"So, Devon! How've you been?" Mr. White interjected and made Jesse's eye contact split with Devon's eyes.

"Good, thank you," she said.

"Senior year, huh? How's it feel? Only a few months left," Mr. White smiled.

"Yeah," Devon fake-laughed, her fingers wrapping around her sleeve over and over again. Jesse looked down at Devon's lap where he was afraid Devon was cutting off her circulation.

Devon slowly turned her head to look at Jesse. Jesse's heart began racing as he shot his head up to look at her. Her eyes were sort of small, but they were light brown and looked sharp and illuminating when the sunlight caught them through the window. Her eyelashes were long and her eyebrows were filled in but they looked natural and nice.

Devon suddenly jolted up like she became a completely different person. She slammed her hand on the table as she stood up forcefully. Jesse blinked quickly, tilting his head back with his eyes wide. He never would've expected her to do something like that.

"Devon? Is everything alright?" Mr. White asked.

"I've got to go get my brother, I'm sorry!" she exclaimed as she flung her bag over her shoulder again and began running out the door and down the street.

"Who is she?" Jesse asked, still partially entranced.

"An old student of mine. She's a senior now. She didn't get the best marks, but she was a good student overall. Something about her just stuck with me and I remembered her from last year," Mr. White said.

"I see," Jesse said, playing with the coins in his pockets awkwardly, "Well, um, Mr. White, I'm sorry I dragged you out here today. It was stupid of me. I think I'm gonna go home now, if you don't have anything to say."

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