It didn't take long for Vulpe to get it, having it trapped between his sharp teeth, looking up the hill where Athanasios was stood, walking towards him, his tail never seizing its wagging, his head held high, with pride.

Before he knew it, Vulpe was back in front of him, sitting at his feet, after dropping the sloppy stick before him, looking at him, his eyes still dancing...

It went on for a while, not that he was complaining, he liked seeing Volly happy, and it was great since he would be tired and wouldn't be begging for another walk until the next day. Perhaps he'll get one of the maids to have him walk instead of doing it himself.

"I told you not to run after it," Athanasios sang out in amusement as he heard Vulpe whine after running face-first into a tree. When he had been chasing after the stick, he stopped in mid tracks, his eyes standing straight as he lowered himself to the ground, his tail pointed straight.

Having followed his line of view, he saw long floppy ears peaking amid the long green grass, one belonging to a rabbit. Vulpe thought it best to chase after it, only to get outsmarted by it with its quick movement.

He held Vulpe in his arms, noticing he had gotten slightly bigger but still small enough for him to hold without any problems. Vulpe cuddled into his chest as he walked towards the palace, nodding and smiling as he passed a few servants.

His fox was filthy and needed to be cleaned before even going to his room. Which was the reason he was taking this particular route, a backway, if you will.

Finally, he reached the palace and was now walking towards his chambers.

"Do you think?" he heard a voice from around the corner.

"Of course! It's only logical, either he names prince Athanasios' heir, as he is the oldest, or he remarries and produces a legitimate heir." Another voice spoke, which had him stop in his tracks, not yet turning the corner, hearing his name. CVulpe already doxing off his arms.

"They're bastards. Their mother was some dancer. How pathetic."

"You really shouldn't insult them... they may be bastards, but being around them. You can see how smart they are, with how far they've gotten in their studies, especially prince Athansiaos, so I would suppose he would do we as the heir, but nothing has been made absolute, even with the Emperor's sudden interest in them."

"I don't understand why the Emperor bothers with such stains on his reputation."

"Maria! You shouldn't talk so loudly. You never know who might be listening," one of the voices reprimanded her.

"What rubbish. No one ever comes in this direction, only other servants, and we can always calm their lying."

"I don't think the emperor would care if they're lying or not. He'll just kill us all."

"Us? The children are better off dead," another nonchalant voice before he heard that voice laugh after, with the other joining.

"Maria... you can't say stuff like that. That can be considered treason if the wrong ears hear."

It is treason... they- they were part of the royal family! Was this was every other person thought of their existence? A stain on their father's reputation. Fascinating...

"Then I shall have my head cut off", the voice he determined was Maria. She said it in a sarcastic tone, laughing again after she spoke.

Finally, he walked around the corner to see three maids holding cleaning scruffs for the floors yet weren't scrubbing them. Huddled together as they did to be able to speak to each other better.

I Am A PrinceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang