2: Dollies?...

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(3rd POV)

M/n stood in the doorway watching as the two dolls conversed with each other.
Poor M/n was so confused, he didn't think dolls were supposed to do this. His parents were strict about what toys he had, they never let him have a dolls whether they were meant for little boys or little girls. Either way they even said they were for babies, to a 6 year old.
That's why M/n did the opposite as soon as he moved out. He cleaned up old dolls from thrift stores and sold them looking brand new. Poor M/n tilted his head in confusion, like a puppy who was confused on edge.

The puppet, known as Slappy, looked at him in amusement reading his thoughts. For such a big and intimidating looking guy, he probably wasn't that smart. What was the word Slappy was looking for? Chucky read M/n and Slappy's thoughts let out a rude snort.
Chucky: Hah I believe the word you're looking for is a himbo!

Chucky locked his eyes back to the tall, brawny man, his bright blue eyes shining with the amusement and something else behind them. He snickers looking at Slappy as they seemed to be having a telepathic conversation, successfully weirding M/n out.
He took a deep breath, calming his nerves, 'there just dolls they can't do that much damage' he thought as he ran his large hand threw his long black hair.

Slappy: Keep telling yourself that hot shot. You want some damage we'll show it to ya some damage! ~

M/n: How the hell? But I didn't say anything-.

Chucky let out a short that turned into a  condescending cackle.

Chucky: We just told you, we could read minds, did you forget already idiot!? You're gonna be stuck with us for a long time, so you might as well get used to it!

M/n's gaze turns cold as he glared at the redhead. He may not be that damn smart, but if he makes one thing clear, he didn't like being told what to do, let alone blackmailed by 2 random dolls with a high IQ.
He didn't react too well to this as he grabbed Chucky, picked him up by his plastic throat, the doll squirming in his hands as Slappy cursed.


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He's squoze him tighter, pulling out the butterfly knife again and started digging it into the dolls shoulder. The former assassin twisted the blade deep into the shoulder blade as he watched the doll bleed red blood. The stench of metallic iron hitting his nose as a waft throughout the room. The redhead spewed out curses like a flowing faucet as he tried desperately to reach his overall pocket, to pull out one of the mini pocket knives he had found when snooping.
And he had managed to pull the little blade out as well. He swiped the blade at the man's arm, only for it to not do much of anything thing to you choking him. This man was a fucking tank. Chuckie kept swiping the blade at various parts of his arms since he was unable to reach his throat. All the while M/n kept his stone cold, emotionless facade.

(Chucky POV)

Just who the hell did we get picked up by?! At first me and Slappy were running from the psychotic bastard Andy and he had almost managed to do a number on us. And that's saying something seeing Slappy's almost invincible.
While he was taking his fucking, glorious, sloppy dishes snooping around his mansion, you didn't get very far since his house was just that big and this was considered a small mansion. We only get to check out around size rooms and what we noticed to stay in every room there is at least one weapon, whether it be a form of blade or something else. Whoever this guy was, was not normal or extremely paranoid.

But either way, it goes, I'm still getting fucking, choked out and stabbed by this massive hunk of muscle. Just does my vision start to get fuzzy, I saw a Slappy teleport back into the room, I haven't even noticed he left, and whack him on the back of his head full force causing him to drop me back into the bed.  He let out a quiet hiss holding the back of his neck, caught off guard. I bought her painfully, pulling the knife still lodged in my shoulder blade, as I found my footing again.
I glared at the bastard, closing up the knife before launching myself onto him, tackling him to the ground. I've never been so happy that I kept my human strength in this doll body.

Once tackled to the ground, I slammed the handle of the knife, onto his Adam's apple. He let out a pained gurgle as he started to pass out as blood spurted from his mouth.

Slappy: Tch ya welcome bitch. He's gonna become a real problem if we can't get him in check. I say we kill em.

I scoff at his words, using the little body weight I had to roll him over on his stomach, so he wouldn't choke on his own blood.

Chucky: Shit, I wouldn't. Not only is he fucking loaded, but there's so much shit here we could use. Nobody has this many weapons in the singular room! So here's the deal he's gonna be out for a while. I say we go scout out this place and have some fun while we're at it. I could've sworn I heard his thoughts say something about cleaning up and fixing dolls. We could fix those ugly ass chips you got on your nose and Chin.

Slappy: Oh shut up! They are not ugly, it gives character! 😤

I laugh as he storms out as fast as his little dummy legs can take him....

Slappy: I Am Not A Dummy!

(3rd POV)

4 hrs later




It was officially midnight, and both, Slappy and Chucky were in the large kitchen, sitting on the counter, enjoying the riches that M/n had!
In Slappy's hand was a wine glass filled with expensive red wine, and in Chucky's, a beer bottle.
The redhead was also stuffing his face with his favorite meal, Swedish meatballs. And boy were this delicious.~

During the 4 hours that gave them enough time to scout out every single room in the small mansion. This small mansion consisted of 10 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, a large kitchen, a mini bar, a sun room and, of course the living room. In every single room in the house, besides, the sunroom had a flat screen TV mounted on a wall. The place was glorious. And the entire place was primarily black themed with small accents of (fav color).

After a long night of drinking and the 2 dolls conversing with each other, they ended their night with watching movies on the large couch. But before they fell asleep, they made sure to arm themselves, this time not willing to be in the same position they were in earlier.

Needless to say, that was the best sleep they had in a very long time....

~Silent Type~ (Chucky x  strong M reader x Slappy) Where stories live. Discover now