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There was a normal robloxian citizen named Giri and he endured the harsh rules by the corrupt leader of Roblox. He had a family and a brother named Wisely, he was hard working and prevented his family from starving. Until one day, co showed up for the money they needed and killed his family by burning his house and injuring them, when the people accused him of stealing an artifact from a robloxian museum, when the police came before all of this, Giri wanted to visit the museum and became interested on the artifacts that robloxian history created, he saw a greatsword Dawn, a greatsword that was created, forged, and used by the Blue Knight of the Universal Islands: Stucky Ducks, Stucky Ducks was a strong guardian of the island years ago but after years, he left without any traces of where he's headed and no evidences that he is still alive. As we continue, Dawn reacted to his presence without Giri knowing, the sword came to him as he was in a room as there was no one around until a man saw what was happening and reported him to the police, Giri heard the police was coming to kill him, he has no knowledge of swordfighting yet he still fought but the  as he decided to run away, losing the cops, a few minutes later in the night when he went to his house, it was on fire, his mother outside was dead by a gunshot to the head and his father brutally injured but Wisely is nowhere to be seen from the fire as his parents were telling him to run while they were too injured, Giri saw this and was in tears, but his father told him, to not avenge them, his parents live on till you die as he said his final words and as he dies, Giri took it to his heart. After that incident, he was now homeless, he saw a bird or to be precise, a blue phoenix, curiously, Giri followed it leading to a run down house and met with a ghost who claims to be Stucky Duck, Giri doesn't trust him yet he's intrigued before and after the ghost revealing everything to him and revealing to why he has left, its because Stucky Duck became weaker and weaker due to his old age so he left to explore outside of the islands, he eventually was turn into a spirit after his death, Giri asked Stucky Duck why did the sword choose him and when he put the sword away from him, it still goes back to him and Stucky Duck said to him that it is something he should find out on his own Giri couldn't believe as if he were lying or was telling the truth so he trusted him and the ghost aka Stucky Duck took him under his wing to train him. After 3 months of training, he was ready and the ghost of Stucky Duck dissapeared with a smile on his face when he saw he was ready. At the age of 10, an earthquake occured when Giri was shopping without knowing there is an earthquake, many seconds later a rock fell down on his head which caused him to get knocked unconscious and lose his memory. (Somehow)

Personality: Almost/not so hardworking, Bored, he gets his focus up midway when a very strong opponent when he engages in combat he likes his favorite foods, he gets serious and focused when his friends and loved ones are in danger.

Affiliated with: The Chaos Legion(former) AUT Police Department (Current)(AUTDP)

Megabolt is an investigator in the ranks of the police department.

Why Megabolt left the Chaos Legion: He had no reason to why he left the organization

Very short story:
Tankfish sent a squadron of the Chaos Legion to the location of the place to find any survivors in hopes of recruits for absolutely no reason but it's probably Tankfish's reason to find the survivor and get the to the drafted found many survivors and one of them was Giri who lost his memory while he was unconscious, and weeks later Giri got the hang of it, after many raids and participations and with him being the least known in the legion, and their leader, Tankfish, took notice about it, He was named Megabolt for his sudden arrivals

How did he obtain the Unforgiven? At the age of  16, He found a man's corpse holding a blade in the dojo(AUT dojo) where he has died fighting a mysterious being after the fight so when he saw his body, he decided to call the police but saw the sword and brought and hid it with him.

How did he obtain P//S? He helped the DELTA Cult with their objectives, after he helped the DELTA cult with their goal, he has been visited by the DELTA who gave him Shaper's essence and used it on himself to obtain P//S. It didn't show himself as the stand itself was the one causing him to go to other dimensions.

How did Dawn react to Giri when he was in the museum? idk what reason but someday Im going to make on why Dawn reacted to Giri.

Also StuckyDuck is an NPC in AUT:New Universe and in AUT:Old Universe where he was a boss named StuckyDuck probably

Heya readers, Is the backstory of Megabolt fine or meh.......well whatever then, See ya and have a Good Day/Night

Will change soon

(930 Words)

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