They were getting along though. Which was probably why Lucious was pushing this reveal so hard. She knew her boys were getting suspicious. That was only half the reason he wanted to spill. The only half that man wouldn't acknowledge. Not the fact that he too was really enjoying what they were building. He didn't like vocalizing his emotions yet he functioned solely on them. With his drama queen ass.

She knew it was really starting to bother Anika. Who was growing increasingly sensitive lately. She was alot more sensitive than Cookie thought initially. Which was new to navigate but being in a relationship meant you made conciousness effort to problem solve. If only that light bulb clicked for Lucious instead of him poking at Anika. The girl was already a people pleaser, she was actively trying so hard to always make sure things were good. Sometimes she needed to be assured. Lucious lacked that assurance.

Which was why Cookie had yet to move in. She wasnt a damn dummy. Yeah she saw future but shit happens. She had a safety net. Nothing wrong with that. Especially dealing with a man like Lucious who had more mood swings than a pregnant woman. The three of them needed to have some serious conversations if they were going to make it. Cookie hadnt felt the pressure or need to lead it just yet. For now she was just coasting.

Making it to her penthouse she found an outfit for the day. Adding her jewelry before she was out the door. Her normal driver waiting for her. Getting her morning coffee she started her day. Not prepared for just how draining it would be. She loved Tiana and was damn proud of her but she could be so damn difficult. She had some dive tendencies that drove Cookie crazy. Theres was only room for one head bitch in a studio session and it wasnt Tiana Cookie checked the time giving a groan. Already late in the evening she knew she wasnt getting out of here till atleast midnight. Sleeping at home gave her that extra hour she was going to need to be a functioning member of society tomorrow.


Anika sauntered into Lucious's office in search of him. Finding him in his chair listening to some track. Staring at his note pad intently. Biting her lip she started back tracking knowing he liked his solitude when creating. He looked up catching her in the doorway. Motioning with his hand for her to come in. Walking over he pulled her onto his lap.

"I was thinking...." She lowly voiced, he hummed half listening as he jotted something down.

"We should take a little trip. Like when you fly to Cali next and Cookie should come." She muttered.


"Why not? We haven't done anything together together since that dinner." She mentioned, getting a true glimpse of how romantic he could be when he wanted something. She wanted that romantic just because.

"We do alot together." He tossed, a suggestive look in his eyes.

"I'm not talking about the bedroom Lucious. Contrary to your belief we dont want sex all the time." She sighed, he groaned looking up at her.

"What do you want? Me to buy you something?" He tossed, she stared at him blankly.


"I want a date Lucious. Wine and dine, quality timeeeeeeeeeee." She whined, he sighed washing a hand over his face. It wasn't like he was incapable of doing anything. He just didn't want nor care to.

"Whens the last time we really talked huh?"

"Right now." He joked.

"Lucious.. I'm being serious."

"I hate when you whine like that." He groaned, he wasn't Cookie. He wasnt going to cuddle up.

"Do you even care about us? About me?" She asked, throwing him for a loop.

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