xxv. the sour prankster come back

Start from the beginning

Mike addressed Cassidy empathetically, acknowledging the pain of her shattered friendship with Mildred. "Cassie, I know it's hard for you too. She broke your heart by betraying you, but let's not forget she also betrayed her own brother, Dustin," he pointed out, trying to find common ground in their shared experience of betrayal.

Cassidy sighed, her gaze lingering on the determined Dustin in the lunchroom, fervently brainstorming ways to rescue his sister. Frowning, she turned back to Mike. "He's really determined to get her back and save her," he commented with a tinge of sadness, prompting Cassidy to look down with a heavy sense of guilt.

Cassidy, picking at her nails, revealed a burdened conscience. "It's my fault. If I never put that classroom on fire, none of that would have happened to her," she confessed, the weight of regret evident in her voice and expression.

Mike responded earnestly, shaking his head in disagreement. "Do not blame yourself, Cassie. It's not your fault, okay? Their dad is a bad person and just got into her head," he said, attempting to offer comfort and shift the blame away from Cassidy.

Cassidy, wearing a sad expression, shrugged in response to Mike's question. He bit his lip, clearly concerned. "How about you and Lucas?" Mike inquired. Cassidy grimaced, her discomfort palpable. "Yeah... about that," she nervously chuckled. "Since he got popular, or whatever, we've been fighting a lot. I mean a lot, to the point we cannot be in the same room as each other," she confessed, highlighting the strain in her relationship with Lucas.

As Mike sighed, a sense of melancholy lingered in the air, emphasizing the profound changes high school had brought. "How 'bout cheerleading?" he gently redirected. "I heard your last game was pretty good." Seeking a positive angle, he touched upon a moment of success, attempting to draw Cassidy's attention away from the challenges they were discussing.

"Ah, it's okay, I guess. I'm gaining some popularity, especially with people remembering the whole burning down the classroom thing and my past pranks. Strangely, some folks even asked me to do a prank for them, but I declined because it could end up hurting someone," Cassidy admitted. Mike nodded, his frown returning as he spotted Max walking out of the lunchroom.

"You're gonna go talk to her!" Mike's enthusiasm surged as he seized Cassidy's shoulders, expertly turning her around and giving her a gentle push toward Max. Cassidy stumbled a bit, colliding into Max, who deftly caught her by the waist, holding her up. In that moment, as Cassidy gazed into Max's captivating blue eyes, it felt like a rediscovery of their connection, as if time had folded, bringing them back to that initial meeting.

Entering the room, the secretary glanced up. "I'm guessing, Cassidy Sinclair?" she inquired. "Yep," Cassidy replied, her hands slipping nonchalantly into her pants pockets. The secretary directed her, "Okay, sit down next to Miss Mayfield. You have to wait for the principal." Cassidy nodded, acknowledging the instructions as she settled into the chair, preparing for the anticipated meeting with the school principal.

Cassidy settled into the seat beside Max, initiating a friendly introduction. "Hey, I'm Cassidy, or people call me Cassie," she said, extending her hand for a shake. Max accepted, introducing herself, "Maxine. I hate it, so I like Max better," she added with a slight grin.

Cassidy responded with a warm smile, "I like Maxine, but Max is cool too." The softness in Cassidy's voice seemed to catch Max by surprise, her usual retort momentarily forgotten. A faint blush adorned Max's cheeks, a reaction she'd typically scoff at, but this time, she didn't seem to mind. There was something about Cassidy that resonated with Max.

The two girls exchanged glances, a subtle connection forming in that simple moment of introduction, setting the tone for a potential friendship.

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