Issei: "Hey fallen angel douch nosel, if you say one more rude thing to Rias or Akeno I'm going to beat the shit out of you, don't test me either you bird man freak"

Kokabiel: "Really? you must be an idiot"

Issei: "I am what I am asshole"

Y/N: "Issei!! that's enough, let me finally deal with this bastard"

Kokabiel: "You've yet to prove to me that you're capable of anything, whoever you are and if the red dragon emperor can't beat me than what makes you think you can"

Y/N: "Let me show you"

Quickly throwing a dense aura sphere at Kokabiel it flys too fast for him to register and slams into him causing a large cloud of smoke, using that Y/N charges towards Kokabiel summoning his lance and spear in the process before engaging in a duel with Kokabiel

Kokabiel: "Hahaha interesting, your base strength rivals that of what the baby sister had when she was powered up, this will be interesting"

Rias: "What!?"

Issei: "Y/N's that strong already!"

Y/N: "I'm just getting started too, Artorias want to join?"

As Sif and Artorias both pick up their ultra greatswords both of them charge in to help Y/N fight Kokabiel, with Artorias and Sif being very co-ordinated together and Y/N adapting quickly the three of them start to push Kokabiel back forcing him to pull out his wings to try and maintain an advantage

Kokabiel: "Now this is entertaining, you're able to push me back, if only the rest of your friends were this impressive Y/N as they call you"

Y/N: "They'll get there with more training, now show me what you can do!"

With a precise strike which showed their years of combat both Sif and Artorias manage to slice a wing off of Kokabiel making him scream in anger

Kokabiel: "AHHHH Pain it feels good, time to show you what I'm truely capable of then"

With Kokabiel getting more excited about the engagement and more focused Y/N quickly uses a burst of speed from the knight piece to get behind Kokabiel and slam his shield into the back of his head stunning him for a second allowing Artorias and Sif to slice of another pair of wings together

Kokabiel: "AHHH!!!! You bastards will pay for that this time"

In anger Kokabiel releases a huge explosion of light around him throwing the three off, using that to his advantage Kokabiel slices at sif since he was the largest target and the least armored Sif took a direct hit

Y/N and Artorias: "Sif!!"

Y/N: "Asia heal Sif now!!"

Blocking his way to the injured dog Artorias and Y/N both engage Kokabiel, finally shaking out of their shocked states from how powerful and co-ordinated the three were Kiba, Xenovia and Koneko finally join the fight

Kiba: "You look like you could use some help Y/N"

Y/N: "Hah hey Kiba glad you could finally make it"

as the five group up on Kokabiel they quickly start to force ground on Kokabiel although it doesn't last too long with the others not quite as powerful as Y/N and Artorias are forcing them too back down. With Asia trying to heal everyone as they go down Kiba gets knocked back, using that to his advantage Kokabiel sends a powerful ball of light towards him before being forced to re-engage against Y/N and Artorias.

Issei: "Kiba look out"

As the ball of light approached Kiba Xenovia jumps in front of him and with great difficulty manages to slice it in half, Kokabiel seeing this manages to push Y/N and Artorias away for a second

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