What is Truth?

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I haven't seen it all, but I know its hard to fathom at times, times where I would have to think over and over about life, death, lies, hate, truth, etc. 

But even with all of these lingering thoughts it always seems to come up, the one thing that always pervades me, and that is truth. 

What is truth?

I don't prefer to refer to something being 'My Truth' or for that matter. Subjectivity is more widespread than the pandemic previously faced and it has disillusioned majority of the society to the point here every version or idea regarding truth is valid, simply if you inject 'myself'/'yourself' into the mix. So, I take issue with those who state that their truth is something that everyone must look on with acceptance and no challenge. My personal take on this though:

Truth is not something that one can simply interpret as their own, something that people should look at and ignore and replace it with their own meaning. Truth is not something that should be seen as secondary, whilst the emotions and desires and lustful convictions are put at the forefront; where lies are deemed as truth and the truth is considered lies. 

What is truth?

Truth is not simply the result of words used, the words brainwashed within the minds of the youth, so much so that their only reality is that of one side, without considering the other side of the coin. Truth is not a mere opinion, by which people can offer their own different variety of it. So then, what is Truth?

Truth is objective, fact based, and determined on empirical research/observation, and even at times, experience. In this modern era, it seems like the truth is eroded, it seems as if there is nothing left of truth and everything is a myriad of lies, mixed with some extravagance to spice up something that is not real. It seems to me that the truth is eroded in fear of uprising, so a mass culling of the mind has occurred, leading to the spirit of man and woman to be reversed, valuing not family, not healthy love, not change, not a fulfilling life where the community, the children, are being nurtured and loved and cared for; what is in front of me is a bastardization of truth, a lack of true functionality, and a mental, degenerative and debauched existence fraught with ill-will, hedonism and rampant promiscuity. Children are abused, not in the form of physicality as portrayed on the television, which in fact is aiding the efforts in continuing with this harm, but it is through the mental and spiritual aspect. Children see value as being gained through the most attention garnered through social acceptance based on terrible actions. The parents, the caretakers are no longer watching the children, they slave away at the pixels on the screen which brings money in and out of the household, arguing incessantly, or even becoming an new being that of which is entirely against their nature, and allowing the child to escape into a world of new possibilities which don't exist in their current one. What results is falling into groups, classing themselves, branding themselves, tattooing themselves to the clique, displaying loyalty as a means of becoming accepted by the group. The parents have failed at their role, in taking care of the child; the truth to be given to the child is not their own, but is the result of a society which dictates what the culture is, what is acceptable then, and what is acceptable now. Lies within that culture are now the truth, the truth being deemed as a feculent pest which seeks to harm those who believe the lie. 

The truth is made a mockery of, and imitations of the truth further destroy it. Referring to the roles present within the home, that is now a blatant blasphemous attack, but nothing is done. Why would anything be done? Why fight for the truth, when all the lies are being done serves to kill the truth? It is because the culture that fosters the lies and is now reinventing the truth dictate it, and if enough people believe an idea strongly, then anything is possible, then anything is right so long as enough people say that it is right. No matter how hard or how much to the contrary you fight for your belief and are open to a possible difference, the lie remains true, it remains focused, fully aimed at destroying what the truth is, and what it has stood for. 

Moreover, no one wants to be socially ostracized for their opposition? No one wants to be removed from their place of employment to provide a better life for themselves because the truth they genuinely believe and are willing to discuss with others is not a parasite to their life that should be eradicated. So they keep quiet, they keep quiet and watch as the world that they believed would be full of possibilities growing up actually turns out to be a cesspool of filth and rot, plagued by ideas long proven to be destructive, reintroducing themselves and causing the same damage as they did before in their inception.  

There are places, however, where truth is still prevalent, where the ideas of these forces only plague a small minority of people, and where the media does not emphasize them, nor brainwash the people simply for power. However, it still remains the same, it still remains fact, that the truth is obscured, that lies are being put forward and interpreted as truth, that the fall of society is imminent if these persist, leading to the complete and utter destruction of truth. 

To quote my favorite author, the words of "The Party" speak volumes, because if one of the people I am referring to somehow cross my words, they will find every single reason to either dismiss or agree with what is being spoken here...and for that...I am saddened still...

War is Peace

Freedom is Slavery

Ignorance is Strength

- George Orwell

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