Teri's House

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It was just me, my mom and dad . Sherri couldn't come because she got grounded, just for one day because she forgot to clean her room. She also got her phone taken away from her too so they can't text each other until Friday, tomorrow morning.

During dinner my mom asked me, "How was your first day of school? "

"It went pretty good, Sherri and I have 2 classes together!" I said.

"Well that's good hun." Sharon (mother) said. "I'm sorry she couldn't come over and hangout with you while were at the party. Hey since she is not coming, do you want to go with us?"

"No, I'll just crash on the couch. New episodes of Grey's and Scandal are on tonight, starting @ 8 and you know me I can't miss an episode." I said. ha-ha

"Yeah I know. My addicted child! Just can you please keep the house clean and lock it up when you go to sleep." my dad said.

"Yes sir. Y'all it's 7:30 don't you guys have to leave?" I said.

"Oh shoot, were going to be late, Frank (Dad)!" Sharon said.

"GREAT! Okay by Teri. We probulary won't be back till 10:30." Frank said.

"Okay you guys go have fun, Love you." I said.

"Love you too." They both said.

Sherri's POV

I was laying in bed reading a Nicholas Sparks book, that my mom forced me to read because she said I would like it which I don't. But I'm reading it because I have nothing else to do. No phone, no seeing Teri! This day started out so good too!

While I was reading the book, my parents came into my room to tell me that they were going to bed. They had a long, stressful day at work.

"Okay goodnight love you." I said.

After they left I looked over at the clock, it read 7:30 pm. I waited 15 minutes, then I quietly got out of bed and went down into the kitchen, to find my phone. I needed to talk to Teri. As I was looking through the cabinets, I thought, "I don't need my phone, I'll just sneak over to her house because her parents are at a party tonight.

Teri and I leave in the same neighborhood which works out great because I can just walk and not wake anyone up by turning my car on.

Teri's Pov

It's 7:50 pm. I had only ten minutes until the show starts. I had just finish making popcorn and hot chocolate, when I heard someone knock on our front door. I asked who it was and it was Sherri. I opened the door and right when I saw her I couldn't stop smiling.

"Hey babe, what are you doing here?" I asked grinning.

"Well I wanted to see you so I snuck out of the house." Sherri said.

"Awwww that's sweet but I don't want you to get in more trouble if your parents find out your over her." I said nicely.

"Ugh I snuck out after they went to sleep. They won't find out love!" Sherri said before she peck my lips.

"Okay, well do you want to watch Grey's and Scandal with me? I asked.

"How about we share this buttery popcorn and hot chocolate, while we are watching Grey's. Then after we take a dip in your pool and not just swim if you know what I mean!" Sherri said. "You can watch Scandal later."

"You know what, that sounds perfect honey." I kissed her on the cheek.

I put her hand in mine and lead her to the living room. We sit down together,and she snuggles up too me.

"This better be a good episode, love" She said.

"Oh it will be, trust me. The promo said that "This is the episode you will never forget" I said as I put my head on her shoulder.

"Really, well alright then. Turn it on! I Love you!" Sherri said smiling, facing Teri.

"I love you more honey." I said laughing as I leaned down and gave her a big kiss on her lips.

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