Part 1

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You never thought all that one summer can change everything bullshit was true well that was until this summer you went to stay with your new friend effy you were 16 and were making all your down dentist appointments so over the summer you got your overbite fixed well in all fairness that took a year your acne cleared up you took off your fake glasses that you wore to fit in with your friends and changed your whole wardrobe you started to really feel like yourself your hair went from being frizzy to wavy and you stopped covering up your birthmark.

Your face pressed up against the window you didn't wanna shag him in the first place you just wanted a lift you knew your hair was going to be ruined as he gets off the top of you  "I'll see you later then yeah" josh says while you sort out your w...

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Your face pressed up against the window you didn't wanna shag him in the first place you just wanted a lift you knew your hair was going to be ruined as he gets off the top of you "I'll see you later then yeah" josh says while you sort out your wavy hair in the window which he had just ruined "what" you say looking at him "well I'm not going to walk into collage with a yeah bellow me am I even if you are pretty" he says "yeah okay whatever" you say getting dressed again you grab your black bag and get out the car "bye cupcake" he says as you cross the road to see Freddie you weren't dating josh just shagging. You start to walk over to Freddie cook and jj who hasn't seen you since before Jim starts shouting "look at it look at my fucking car" he says "hi Jim" you say walking over to effy "hey" she says as you lean against the car and light a cigarette "hey" you say looking at jj you smile at him as you see cook come in front of the car with ketchup on his face "let's get going" effy says as she gets out "yeah I'll catch up" you say as you and cook make eye contact. You walk up to cook before wiping for finger down his face and licking off the ketchup "sweet" you say walking off "stop looking at her arse" you hear Freddie say as you carry on walking with effy.

When you get to the college you walk to where pandas sitting "OMG Elle" she shouts and hugs you "panda pops how have you been" you ask "great thanks" she says and gets of of you "bonkers what surf and turf" panda asks "sex" you reply "wow we're gunna have a whizzer time at this collage I'm definitely gunna have surf and turf asap mum says that boys only want one thing so my plan is to give it to them" panda says "ok panda we don't need to hear about your sex life" you say to her making eye contact with a red head who has her Tits out. "Ohh" effy says "right we hate her" you say "who do we hate" panda ask "we will let you know" effy says "right let's get this party started" effy says "do you want a lollipop" panda asks "yes" you say and pick out a cherry one. You all walk into the hall and sit at the front you look around to see if there is any cute boys to fuck at this place you make eye contact with the boy with a red shirt so you slowly pull the lollipop out your mouth and it makes a faint pop sound then you turn back around. "What's with the music" you say to eff "shut up you wanker" she says and pushes you off the bench you both burst into laughter while everyone else just looks at you on the floor after that you zone out. You start listening again when someone farts you and effy just look at each-other while some other people are laughing "thank you now before I turn you over to your form tutors I would like to tell you a way in which we organise our" the head says then someone farts again "right very funny this is a further educational collage not primary school" she says  someone farts again you and effy still not amused by the fart. "Stop it stop it I will cut your balls of you cheeky little turds" the head says "I do apologise I think I might be at fault too much rhubarb n my ready brek."Some man says . You go back to choosing not to listen you look back over to cook he was already looking at you you had finished you lollipop so you couldn't do that again so you just gave him a wink and turned around while you were looking at him some teacher got called up to the front "form BD1 please say your name when I put your hand up when I call you name please" this lady says.

"Emily fitch" a redhead puts her hand up.
"Katie fitch" "twins" you say to effy and she nods.
"Jonah Jeremia jones" the curly haired boy puts his hand up "jj present"
"James cook" the boy with the red shirt put his hand up "yo".
"Elizabeth stonem" effy puts her hand up.
"Elle mclair" you put your hand up and look at cook who looks stunned.
"Fredric mclair" "yes" Freddie says .
A few more names were called out until a girl puts her hand up "excuse me the boy next to me is acting inappropriately he wants to show me his tattoo not in a nice way" "right you show us all your pathetic tattoo" the head says and after a bit of shouting he stands up and pulls his trousers and boxers down you look cook in the eye and he looks back and smirks at you.

After the assembly you walk to a vending machine you bend down to pick up your drink displaying you whole arse you pick up your water and pick out a locker "hey princess" cook says as you look at him in the mirror you just put up in your locker "hi" you say taking stuff out your bag and putting it in your locker "ohh what's this" he says taking the list of rules "cook if Freddie saw you talking to me he would kill you" you say "he won't he's busy with your friend" he says "right" you say "tell you what if I complete this list will you come to my place after collage" he says "okay" you say as you close your locker and look at cook of the first time in this conversation "so where were you all summer" cook asks "Paris" you smile "hey babe" josh says putting his arms around your waist "thought you didn't wanna know me" you ask "of course not babe" he says "okay whatever just fuck off im not your babe" you smile staking a step closer to cook you kiss him on the lips before smiling to josh and walking to form.

You sit down at the back corner as effy had some red head sitting next to her you sit drawing on the table as the form man was asleep you throw bits of paper at his head you then effy to see who could wake him up first "what what who did that" he says as you throw a bit of paper and it hits his eye "oh right okay we've gotta fuck it" the teacher says as cook Freddie and jj walk in cook sitting next to you freddie and jj in front "okay whatever we've gotta stand up say out names and a unique face about ourselves" he says as he starts he starts asking people as cook puts his hand on your thigh "so why'd you kiss me earlier" he asks "that guys an ass" you smile "check your phone" he says as you look at it under the table you see a video off cook doing everything (sex isn't on the list) "a deals a deal" you smile.

After the lesson you and cook wait behind before going back to his place "so who was that guy" cook asks "a dude with a car I fuck sometimes to get a lift" you smile "oh wow" he says "so what do u want then" you ask as he kisses you as one thing leads to another.

Glow up// James cookWhere stories live. Discover now