Y/N went to her laundry closet, got a couple of clean towels out, then walked into the kitchen to see Wade shirtless sitting on her counter.

Y/N couldn't help but stare at his muscles. She quickly snapped herself out of the trance and walked to her cabinets to get a bowl and filled it with cold water.

"I don't know if this will hurt but don't scream," Y/N said warning him before she put one cloth inside the bowl and then placed it on top of the burn that was on Wade's abs making him groan.

"Tell me when it stops hurting," Y/N said doing the same thing again. Y/N continued putting the cold towel on top of Wade's abs until he said it stopped hurting.

"Let me check if I have bandages because if that doesn't get covered it could get infected," Y/N told Wade who just nodded and continued sitting on the counter. Y/N went to her bathroom quickly and looked inside her first aid kit to find that all of her bandages had finished. 


Y/N quickly called her brother to ask if they had bandages at Dad and Pop's house. 

"Y/N why do you need bandages? What happened?" Harley asked. "I'll explain when I get there. I'll be there in about 30 minutes Harls." Y/N said then hung up. 

Y/N then went to her closet and found a zip-up hoodie that belonged to Steve so she could give it to Wade.

"Wade I don't have any bandages. We're going to my parent's house they have some." Y/N told him as she handed him the hoodie.

"Y/N your fathers hate me. If they see me they're probably going to shoot me." Wade said dramatically. "First of all they aren't even home and second of all, they don't hate you. Why would you ever think that?" Y/N asked curiously.

"Did you forget about the fact that they made us break up?" Wade asked as his jaw dropped dramatically.

"No, I still remember how they made us break up. I would never forget that but they don't hate you. They actually respect you." Y/N said reassuring him. "Plus they aren't even home so the only thing you have to worry about is my siblings but I doubt they'll do anything," Y/N added with a smile. 

"Alright fine. But if I die it's your fault." Wade said putting the zip-up hoodie on. "Your still so dramatic," Y/N said putting Daisy's leash on her and giving her some food. "That's one of the key parts of my personality Y/N/N," Wade said jumping off the counter

"Yeah whatever can you watch Daisy for a minute I gotta get something from my room?" Y/N asked. "Yeah sure just hurry I'm not the most responsible as you know," Wade told her making Y/N smile. 

Y/N missed having Wade around he always made everything better. She still loved him. Y/N never once forgot about Wade in the past 5 years. She still had the hoodies that he snuck into her stuff after they broke up and she still had all of the other presents he gave. There was a box in her closet with all of the pictures, letters, and notes that Wade had given her. 

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Wade asked snapping her out of her thoughts. "Yeah yeah just got lost in my thoughts," Y/N replied as she felt her cheeks heat up. "I'll be right back." She said then walked into her room and contemplated what just happened. 

"What the fuck is my life," Y/N said as she fixed her hair and redid her makeup.

Walking out of her room Y/N was met with the sight of Daisy licking Wade's face as Wade himself just sat there accepting his fate. Looking at her Puppy and the person she still loved sitting on the floor doing the most random shit made her heart melt in a puddle of love. She quickly took a picture before fully walking into the room. 

July 9th ~ Wade Wilson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now