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5 Years Later

23-year-old Y/N and her 10-week-old golden retriever puppy 'Daisy' walked towards the coffee shop that was across the street from her New York apartment.

After graduating from University Y/N moved back to New York and started working at Stark Industries.

Daisy had been a new addition to Y/Ns life. Y/N had adopted the little golden retriever puppy 2 weeks ago and had fallen in love with her immediately.

As they arrived to the Cafe Y/N picked Daisy up, opened the door, and got into line.

"Hi, can I get a medium Black Coffee?" Y/N asked telling the worker her order. "Is that all?" The worker asked. "Yes, that's all," Y/N replied and paid for the drink as her phone started ringing.

"Hello?" Y/N asked answering the phone switching Daisy to her other arm, petting the puppy's face as she quietly whined.

"Y/N how long are you coming in?" Harley asked. "Did Dad and Pops leave?" Y/N asked grabbing her cup of coffee as she tried not to drop everything.

"Yeah, they did. Hurry up we're all waiting for you. Peter and Sarah just came back from getting the decorations." Harley told her.

Today was Tony's 49th birthday. Instead of throwing him a surprise party for his 50th party, they threw it today to celebrate before he became an 'Old man'.

"Yeah okay I just got coffee I'm com- Shit!" Y/N yelled as she tripped over a chair leg and spilled her hot black coffee on someone in front of her.

"Oh, fucking hell that's a good way to wake up." The guy said in a familiar voice. Y/N looked up to see Wade Wilson her Ex-Boyfriend.

"Wade what the fuck." Y/N said as her jaw dropped. She put Daisy down beside herself and away from any spilled coffee.

"Y/N what happened?" Harley asked still on the phone. "Uh yeah, I think I'll be a little late. You guys can start without me. I gotta go." Y/N said hanging up and putting the phone inside of her back pocket.

"Oh my god Wade are you okay?" Y/N asked. "Yeah of course I'm fine, it's not like you just spilled burning coffee on me," Wade said groaning.

"We should get outside we're blocking people," Y/N mumbled guiding Wade outside.

"Oh fuck." Wade muttered over and over.

"Let me help Wade," Y/N said trying to move his hand so she could look at the burn. "No, no Y/N I'm fine," Wade said but Y/N knew better.

"You're not fine. You're coming to my apartment so I can look and make sure that the burn isn't too bad. That coffee was hot as hell." Y/N said grabbing his arm and dragging him either her left arm since her other hand was holding Daisy's leash.

"What's your dog's name?" Wade asked starting a conversation. "Daisy she's 10 weeks old," Y/N replied crossing the street.

"When did you get back Wade?" Y/N asked as they reached her apartment building. "A couple of days ago," Wade replied wincing a little bit.

Y/N, Wade and Daisy all got into the elevator and rode in silence except for Wade groaning or wincing once in a while and Y/N was googling how to treat a coffee burn.

"Can you hold her leash for a second?" Y/N asked. "Yeah sure," Wade said and Y/N handed him the leash and then reached in her pocket to get her keys out to open her door.

"Go sit in the kitchen and take your shirt off," Y/N instructed. "Oh, my shirt. I see." Wade said sarcastically making Y/N snort. "Just go," Y/N said closing her door and placing Daisy inside of her playpen.

July 9th ~ Wade Wilson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now