(Prologue/Introduction) Chapter 0.

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It had been a long day of doing her secret work while Beerus was asleep. He had been sleeping for a good 20 years so far, not too long. Kaluzia had been his personal attendant/maid for a few centuries now taking care of him instead of Whis while he had been asleep but unbeknownst to Beerus she had started to sneak out once she had finished.. every day after her training to go out and be a hero going around planet to planet saving lives left and right very swiftly. She had actually slowly been catching up to Beerus' level and she had been quite known for being a hero. She had  gained the reputation as 'The Hero In Blue' which had been quite embarrassing.. it was due to her always coming out of nowhere and since she had very smooth and silky blue hair. People often made fun of her and were confused of her actions since she had basically been a nobody and she looked like she was 14! Aside from that she had gotten on quite well easily handling the bad guys saving many planets and people. It was her dream to create world peace and stop all evil.

She had teleported away soon later back to Lord Beerus' planet and had sighed wiping the sweat away walking past Whis "Ah hello Whis! I'm back now!" She stated looking up at her superior bowing with respect receiving the classic smile of Whis in return. "My, my.. you always push yourself too far Mrs Kaluzia. You know you shouldn't keep doing this.. I'm not sure I can keep this a secret from him forever you know.. while I do admire you in doing these actions I must once a again try recommended you to stop since that is the mortals and kai's job dear. If you continue and Lord Beerus finds out once he's awoken I can't guarantee your safety and I can't help but feel concerned".

Kaluzia looked at him blankly for a moment but had half heartedly began to lightly laugh out stating "I'm sorry Whis but the same answer as always! I will always prioritise the lives of fellow mortals before my own and destroy any form of evil! Now of you mind I have to change Beerus' bed again and clean the place up. As she had then flew off waving off Whis snapping her fingers which caused her tattered ripped up clothes she had been wearing all day and swapped if into her maid outfit and began to do the chores.

Whis just stood there still having a smile on his face stating "My, my.. whatever will we do with you.. I shall pray for your own safety you know what you are doing and hope Beerus doesn't find out".


Kaluzia had currently been changing Beerus' bed sheets currently humming lightly to herself whole doing so smiling as she did having been used to doing all of these chores over the centuries and was about to leave after flying slightly downwards stopped in her tracks once she heard a groan coming from the god and she slowly turned back in shock seeing him awoke so soon and had bowed to him slightly saying "Hello Lord Beerus, it has been 20 years and I hope you have had a good sleep my lord.."

Beerus had yawned after she said this looking at her after stating "Hm yeah whatever, has Cold destroyed that planet yet girl?"

Kaluzia who had been a bit annoyed after hearing this since he still didn't even bother to get her name after all of his time just stated "If your referring to planet Sadala. No.. King Cold has decided to not and instead has enslaved it. If you wish I can teleport over there and punish him accordingly my lord."

Beerus shook his head as he had cracked his knuckles slightly and had said "No.. don't bother. I'll let it slide and see what happens with that planet for now.."

Kaluzia had nodded saying "Yes my lord.. I will keep you informed." Still with a smile on her small face stating "Shall I prepare a feast for you my lord?"

Beerus immediately nodded in returned "Yes.. make it quick girl! I'm starving" He stated holding onto his rumbling skinny stomach getting up slowly stretching out his limbs.


"GIRL! COME HERE THIS INSTANT!" A angered god had shouted from across the destroyers home as this shook Kaluzia up who had finally brought out the food for him while doing so holding all 8 dishes slowly and carefully walking out with them all suttering out "Y-Yes lord Beerus? Is there something I can help you with?.. oh.. and your food is ready!" She suttered out slightly a bit nervous as she slowly placed down all the dishes in front of the hungry god after standing looking at him sweat dropping looking at Whis hoping that he didn't tell and he just have a sorrow look her way. Beerus had after pointed down to the staff that had been showing the evens of this morning of her doing his work for him blowing up evil planet, destroying evil and helping the good.

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