Chapter twelve

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Izzie's pov

The sunlight poked through my eyelids, forcing me to stir awake. As my eyes opened and adjusted to the light of day, I noticed a suspicious lack of weight in my bed. It took a few seconds to realise that the reason it felt so empty was because it was. Casey wasn't in bed anymore. I sat up, slightly confused. But as I looked around I saw her asleep at her desk.

Half asleep, I got up and waddled in her direction. I wanted to wake her up gently, so I placed my hands on her shoulders and lightly shook her back and forth. This attempt to get her up in a calm manner failed, because she sat up violently, looking around dazed and shocked.

"Woah, woah, Newton, it's just me." I spoke softly, not releasing my grip on her shoulders.

"Huh.... what..?" She mumbled as she turned to look at me. "Oh, hey princess."

I sighed with a smile as I glanced at the chaos on the desk. Drool stained research papers, open highlighters and textbooks were thrown around the tabletop, making me concerned. It was starting to make sense that she felt the need to get up at night and sort this out.

However, I still wanted her to rest.

"Casey... babe..." I started, pulling the chair from my desk close so I could sit with her. "You can't go on like this."

She scoffed and looked away. "I know. This isn't exactly an ideal situation, but I don't have any idea what to do."

I looked at her face, watching every gorgeous feature move as she talked. But she also looked tired, so tired. Suddenly, I remembered something. It was Tuesday. Casey had no classes and I only had one.

So she could sleep, and I was afforded the opportunity to fix... whatever was happening here.

"Okay, listen. You have no class today and your track practice isn't until 4:00. As your girlfriend I only ask one thing of you."

She turned back and raised an eyebrow.


For the first time that morning, I saw the warm smile I loved so much. Casey giggled and ran her hands down her face. I didn't know why she was laughing, but it made me start to laugh as well.

"I'm being serious!" I yelled through a fit of laughter.

"I know!" She laughed more.

After a few minutes, we'd both calmed down enough to have a serious conversation. She looked at me and tilted her head as if she was thinking about what to say next.

Finally, she spoke. "You win, I'll try and get some sleep. I guess I'll deal with all this bullshit later."

She gestured towards the pile of doom and sighed, her face filling with dread at the mere thought.

"Don't worry about that, I'll try to help as much as I can. Just promise me you'll make an effort to rest. And maybe shower." I laughed softly at the end of my sentence.

Casey nodded slowly. Her short locks of brown hair were disturbed enough to fall into her face. A second later, one of her hands was on my lap, holding one of my own.

"Thank you. And sorry you have to deal with my shit. But mostly thanks."

She smiled and brought my hand to her lips, kissing my knuckles lightly. My chest felt warmer as a result. I couldn't enjoy this moment for too long, I had to get ready for class.

Just as that thought crossed my mind, Casey got up and walked to her bed, immediately flopping forward onto it.

"I know you've got a Law lecture or something now." She spoke but it was muffled into a pillow. "Go on, I will be knocked out in a second and unable to converse with you."

Yours - A cazzie story Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat