The Switchblade Demon Crisis

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A month since Carter's visit to the museum. The date is December 30. The time is 2317 hours. 11:17 pm.

"What in the bloody Duat is that?!" Exclaimed Steven, squaring up against a three-foot demon with a mace for a head. "Aren't you the mythology expert between the three of us?! You figure out what the hell that is!" Responded Marc from a reflection in the puddle.

The demon swung it's spiky metal head at Steven, who dodged it as gracefully as Steven Grant can dodge. "Marc just take the body, please." Pleaded Steven, asking Marc to take over again and again. Marc sighed before taking over the body. He jumped backwards and threw one of the crescent moon boomerangs at the demon, beheading it with ease.

"Was that so hard?" Said Marc, approaching the decapitated demon's head and staring at the reflection. "Haha. I'm sorry I don't have long-range weapons like you do, mate." Said Steven, clearly salty about the entire ordeal. "We'd better leave before someone sees us." Said Marc, running off into an alleyway and taking the suit off just before the demon body turned into sand.

Marc, still in control of the body, walked into the street, took out his phone, wore his headphones and stared at the reflection in it. "Got any idea what that was yet?" Asked Marc to Steven, who was thinking hard in the reflection. "Might need to read up when we get back to the flat. Jake, do you know something about that... thing?"

The reflection flickered for a second before showing Jake, who was biting the inside of his cheek. "Jake?" Asked Marc, making Jake look straight at him. "Sí?"

"Did you know what that was?" Asked Marc. Jake was silent for a second before snapping his fingers. "It was probably some type of demon." Said Jake in his thick Brooklyn accent. "Really? Are there even demons in Egyptian mythology?"

"There are actually!" Said the reflection, clearly having changed to Steven. "Can you tell me more about that?" Asked Marc, getting Steven excited.

"In Egyptian mythology there's Ma'at and Isfet. Order and Chaos, respectively. Demons are servants of Apophis and Isfet, the contradiction to Ma'at and Ra. Demons come in all shapes and sizes but I didn't know there were demons with weapons for heads." Said Steven, enlightening Marc and Jake on the information about the servants of Chaos.

"What do you think we should call those?" Asked Marc, making Steven ponder again. A loud noise coming from an alleyway distracted their thoughts though. "You think it's just some drunk blokes?" Asked Steven from the reflection.

"Might as well check." Said Marc, running down the alleyway. He sprinted down the alleyway to be greeted by an empty street save for two teenagers and a dozen of the demons, all with different weapon-like items for heads. If you could consider a spoon a weapon.

"Spoon head? That's new." Said the blonde teenager, taking out a stick and wax, confusing Marc and the rest. "At least it isn't cheese demons." Said the curly-haired teenager, sticking his hand to the side and pulling out a weapon from thin air. "Fair enough."

"What the fuck?" Muttered Marc, pressing his back to the wall. "That's a khopesh! Where did he get it though?" Said Steven from the reflection of a broken bottle on the ground. "No idea, but we should help these kids." Said Marc, suiting up.

The moment Marc's suit wrapped around him, he pulled the crescent boomerang he uses from his chest and threw it, killing three demons all at once. The teenagers turned around to see Marc, catching the crescent.

"Who the bloody hell are you?" Asked the one with highlights in her hair. "Let's kill these first. Then maybe I'll answer that." Said Marc, making the boy don a confused look. "Alright then." Said the girl, turning back towards the demons, who have now collected more allies.

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