ii. if the dead could talk

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If The Dead Could Talk *:・゚

ACT ONE — CHAPTER TWOIf The Dead Could Talk ✧*:・゚

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Winterfell, 298 AC

Lavinia Tyrell

Lavinia Tyrell watched with barely concealed disgust as, up at the head table with Lord Eddard and his wife, King Robert kept groping the servant who was pouring him his wine. The young woman, at the very least, seemed to be playing along and flirting back with him, but Lavinia severely doubted how much of the act was genuine interest and how much of it was the fear of what the king would do to the server if she rejected him. Queen Cersei was sitting next to the pair and her face was a tense mask of embarrassment and fury.

Not for the first time on their long journey north, Lavinia felt pity for the queen. Sure, the woman was as spiteful as she was beautiful, but one could not blame Cersei's bitterness entirely on her own character. Her husband's disrespectful behaviour would be enough to turn anyone sour and resentful.

Lavinia herself felt immensely grateful as she turned her attention back to her own betrothed to watch as he good-naturedly jested with the Greyjoy boy beside him. It seemed to her that Robb Stark took after his father in regard to his attitude on brothels and the such — his eyes rarely strayed to any of the women in the hall, and when they did, it was to Lavinia only.

She would have understood, and would have to understand in the future, if her betrothed took another woman to bed with him. It was a man's right, after all. And as Lavinia's grandmother always told her, all men were fools. But, nonetheless, it was nice to see that so far Robb Stark only had eyes for her. The attention was not unwelcome either.

Lavinia had been pleasantly surprised when she had made her way into Winterfell's courtyard earlier that day to find a comely young man standing beside the stern figure of Lord Eddard Stark.

She had known who Lord Eddard was immediately, of course. Ned Stark had the long face and solemn look Loras had jested that all the northerners wore. But the younger man beside him had been positively radiant compared to the stories of the troll-like northmen her brother had enjoyed terrifying Lavinia with while she stayed in King's Landing. Robb Stark had the broad build of the north, but his auburn hair and striking blue eyes were more of the south than his fathers features, making a pleasant contrast to the bleak courtyard around him.

Lavinia had greeted her betrothed politely with the rest of the party, as was proper, but she had been proud of the blush she had managed to elicit from the Stark boy as he kissed her hand all the same.

Margaery always said that it was easier to charm a man if he found you attractive and it seemed Robb Stark at the very least found Lavinia agreeable. Jaime Lannister had suggested as much when Lavinia had returned from greeting the Starks, making her blush as red as Robb had while the ever-arrogant Kingslayer japed at her expense.

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