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I was busy scrolling through my phone when Chandria, my best friend, suddenly messaged me, 'bessy' with a photo attached on it. It was a screenshot of her conversation with Kalix whom she is in a situationship for almost 2 years.

They had an argument because of the surprise our friend, Levy, gave her last Valentine's Day. Even though I was just reading their conversation, I can feel how angry Kalix is because of the words he's typing.

I comforted her that day and told her to come over to our house. I wanted to make sure she's okay while settling their problem. While they were talking through the phone, I'm just quietly sitting in my bed and listening to them. I got a glimpse of the time on my alarm clock that is placed on my bedside table and saw that it was already 2 o'clock in the morning.

They have settled their problems and weeks passed by before I received a message from Chandria. It was again a screenshot of her conversation with Kalix, only that they're not arguing in their conversation. I am a girl who's in an almost 2 years relationship with my boyfriend right now so I quickly understood why she sent it to me.

Their conversation is full of the name 'Liza', whom Kalix pertained to as his best friend. He was all out praising his 'best friend' and even flexing their photos. My heart ached for my best friend.

If you saw them together, you would think that they're in a relationship because of the way they act towards each other, but in reality, they're not. I already asked Kalix why he's still not courting my bestfriend and he told me, "We don't need to be in a relationship to prove you that we love each other. We both know that I'm hers and she's mine."

For some, it may sound romantic but it's not. He's keeping my best friend from exploring things on her own when they're not even in a relationship! He thinks that it's okay for my best friend that they're not officially in a relationship.

As a girl, I understand that my best friend also needs an assurance. She doesn't just want to hear the words 'I love you' or 'I'm yours and you're mine'. She wanted an official relationship with him but he couldn't do it for her instead, he's giving her the benefit of the doubt.

"Look at our faces!" I automatically rolled my eyes when Kalix showed his picture, with Liza, their photo for the nth time. I busied myself on my phone instead while waiting for our order.

"Cute!" Chandria faked a beam. I looked at her and slightly shook my head when our eyes met. She bit her lower lip and averted her gaze to Kalix who's busy on his phone.

This girl is surely a martyr.

"How long has it been since you met your best friend?" I suddenly asked one day when I invited them to hang out in my house. Chandria didn't want to come because she knew what I was thinking when I told her to bring Kalix with her.

Kalix met my eyes. I lifted my brows and didn't care to blink. He avoided my gaze. I knew it.

"We have common friends. That's how we met." He said, his eyes fixed on the television in front. I chukled which made him look at me. "What?" He asked in an irritated tone.

"I asked 'since when'. I did not ask 'how'. Like I care how you two met." I inwardly rolled my eyes. I felt Chandria's hands on mine.

I looked at my best friend. She has Asian features that really makes her look attractive. Her tanned skin is in contrast with mine. Her Asian eyes is pleading me to stop.

"We just met, about 8 months ago." Kalix answered.

"If you are to choose; Chandria or your best friend?" I felt Chandria's hand tightened its grip on mine. I can sense her nervousness but I refrained myself from looking at her.

"What kind of question is that?" He seriously asked and looked at me.

"What? Just answer my question!" I fired back. He shook his head and aggressively stood from the couch.

"This is ridiculous. Chandria let's go."

I grinned and looked at my best friend.

"She's not going with you." My eyes met his angry eyes.

"Chandria! Let's go." He tried convincing my silent friend to go.

"Why can't you answer?" Chandria quietly asked. My chest pounded when I heard the pain in her voice. "Why is it so hard for you to answer the question, Kalix?"

"Why are you making me choose?" He growled. My eyes widened while looking at them.

"Why are you shouting at her?" I angrily spat. I took a step closer to him and even though I'm too short compared to his tall height, my eyes are flaming with anger and I know he sees it too. "How dare you shout at my best friend! She's just asking why can't you choose? Is it hard? Or you already chose between the two of them but you just can't voice it!" I accused.

"You're both ridiculous! I don't have to choose between the two of them because they're not the same! I love Chandria and Liza is--" He suddenly stopped talking.

"You love Liza?" My eyes went to Chandria. She's now standing and looking straight to Kalix. "You just met Liza eight months ago. We've known each other for almost two years!" I saw how a tear escaped her eyes. I bit my lower lip and took a step back.

"She's my best friend for goodness' sake!"

"That's the point! She's just your best friend! I am your--"

"You're not my girlfriend!" Kalix snapped. Chandria started to sob that added fuel to my anger.

"Get out." I pushed his chest but he firmly stood there.

"I am not your girlfriend because you're not making me." Chandria sobbed. "You often go to her house." She froze when she realized something. "Did something happen between the two of you?" Chandria asked.

We're just in adolescent age but this thing isn't new to me anymore. Teenagers nowadays do it casually and virginity is not scared anymore.

"I'm sorry." I know Kalix is an asshole but I didn't know he is this much!

Chandria sighed and raked her hair.

"Let's stop this." I bit my lip and quietly stood there. "Oh! We have nothing to stop. Because we haven't started anyways." She painfully laughed.

"Chandria..." Kalix took a step forward to Chandria and tried to reach for her hand but my best friend shoved his hand away.

"I don't want to look stupid and stay in this situation with you. I'm too young to waste my time in this thing when I should be enjoying my life."

I moved to the side and held my best friend's hand.

"Fine. Just don't ever beg for me to take you back." Kalix warned. I burst out in laughter.

"She won't beg, don't worry." I spoke.

"Here." Chandria took off a silver ring from her finger and grabbed Kalix's hand to place it there. "Bring your promises with you."

I pouted to keep myself from smiling at what she did. I'm proud of my best friend. Finally, she has unleashed from the chain.

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