We stopped before getting too far. Bakugou turned to answer him. "It doesn't matter." Kirishima needed clarification on what he meant. "It doesn't matter as long as you rise to the top. " With those words we left. Once we were out of the crowd he took his arm off of my shoulder and stepped away. "There, free to go. I don't want to hear about this, got it!"

I nodded before quickly running away to where I knew Aizawa would be waiting for me. I didn't even give it a second thought. When we got back to the house, I started my homework while Aizawa started dinner. For the next two weeks, Aizawa let me train as well. There was just one thing, I was just training. I would not be participating. Instead, I would be in the booth with him. Partly because of my clearly unfair advantage over all the students. The other, I was still considered a Villain in the public eye.

For the time being it was going to be better that I stayed out of it. That made a lot of sense, and I really didn't mind not being part of the center of attention. In fact, I was grateful that I wasn't going to have to even be on the TV. That said, I was not exempt from training. There would still be places for me to go, things for me to do. I was happy enough with that.

On the morning of the festival I arrived at the school first, Aizawa made us leave early so as to avoid the reporters. Understandable. I didn't want to talk to them either. As we walked through the grounds, before the start of the festival I smelled something vaguely familiar. I paused in our walk, trying to figure out what it was. There were two stalls sitting side by side.

One held a fish looking pastry, the other had three heroes before it. There were fried round balls sitting inside. "One order of takoyaki, please." Takoyaki? Why was that so familiar? Did someone make it before? Had I had some before? Was that it? If I could just remem-

"(Y/n), come here and try this. The chef said kids like these." He held two things in his hands. One of these foods was shaped like a fish, the other was a bowl of round food with things on the top of them "Which do you want to try first?"

I glanced up to Kai's kind eyes. After a moment I held my hands out to the fish. I could hold it, and so wouldn't need his help to eat it. "Fishy?" I asked, Kai held it out for me to take. Once I was able to grasp it, I took it from him. Smelling it first. It smelled kind of like pancakes and red bean paste. I took a small bite from the fin.

My eyes lit up as a smile spread across my face. "So, I take it you like the... fishy?" I nodded, quickly. "It's called Taiyaki. We can get different fillings if you don't like the bean paste inside. I just shook my head to that, this was fine. It was fine, because Kai thought of me when he had them make it.

I watched as he used a toothpick to take one of the balls from the bowl next. "What's that?" Sniffing it carefully, it also smelled of pancakes, and something similar to Worcestershire sauce with seaweed.

Opening my mouth, I took a bite of it as well. "Takoyaki."

A hand was suddenly sitting on my shoulder, causing me to jump slightly. "Do you want one? The Takoyaki I mean." It was just Aizawa, which was slightly relaxing.

With a passing glance to the stalls again, I shook my head. "No... it would remind me too much of him... and I'm not allowed to go back there." Looking at the ground was all I could do now, my fingers clenching the cloth around my skirt. I really wanted to go back to Kai more than anything, but I wasn't allowed to return there. Remembering him like that... was painful.

There was a sigh before, I heard a clink of metal. Lifting my head, I could see Aizawa pulling some coins from his pocket. "It may hurt to think about, but at least it's a good memory. Go get two of whatever you're thinking of. I'll meet you in the doorway." The coins were in my hand before I could protest. Looking down, I could see it summed up to about 2000 yen. Were these items expensive?

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