"Of course." Levi said.

"Come on, let's get you seated somewhere. Not sure what all your body went through to get you here." Moblit came to help walk Furlan to a chair. Levi was slightly too short to walk with the taller males. Eren gently pushed him out of the way. He took Furlan's arm across his shoulders.

"Hey, bright eyes." Furlan smiled. Eren blinked at him.

"Eren." He stated. "My names, Eren and that's Moblit."

"Ah, I see the attraction. Levi and I always had the same taste in guys. Sucks he met you first." He chuckled. Eren looked at him like he was on something.

"You must be hungry." Armin came forward once they sat Furlan down. The others pulled up more folding chairs and sat around him. They broke out their lunch.

"Just so you know, we are all aware of Levi's cat side." Erwin said once they finished introductions.

"Has Eren begun to show signs of cat like behavior?" Furlan asked biting into a sandwich.

"Well, he purrs from time to time." Levi said.

"He was knocking crap off the table at his party." Armin pointed out.

"He hisses sometimes." Erwin noted.

"That's not good." Furlan shook his head.

"Why? What was the potion you were working on when you got blasted out of this frequency?" Moblit asked.

"It's not good, because Petra was using a love spell. Levi can break his curse by getting someone to fall in love with him. Like true love, not just the puppy dog honeymoon shit." Furlan explained. "The curse will switch to the other person." He paused glancing at Levi. "If they have intercourse, then well the curse could be shifted completely." He said. "Otherwise it's a slow gradual shift over time. The more time they spend together the faster it will become." He added finishing his food.

"Levi, shift. Shift right now!" Isabel cried. Levi looked up at her. His face was pale, his eyes huge.

"I, I can't." He whispered. "I've been trying. It's not working." He said.

"Damn, we're screwed!" Furlan slumped in his seat. His head fell back against the back part of the chair, as his eyes closed.

"WHAT THE HELL!? YOU CAN'T JUST PASS OUT NOW!" Levi bellowed. He jumped up to race over to the teen. Erwin, Moblit and Eren stood protecting the wizard.

"His body went through a lot. He needs to readjust to this frequency. He's told us all he can for right now." Moblit stated. They laid Furlan in the back of Erwin's SUV as they broke down the tuning fork and repacked everything. Isabel step to Eren's side.

"Try to change." She told him.

"I have no idea how." Eren said.

"Think about what it would be like to be a cat." She shrugged. Eren looked at her. For a long time they just stared at each other. Isabel began to grow. She was getting taller than Eren.

"Oh, Eren." She whispered. He shrunk lower and lower until he was even with her ankles. She knelt to pick him up.

"At least you're a cute kitty. Soft brown fur, and those eyes are perfect for a cat." She chuckled petting him as she held him against her breast.

"Is that...?" Levi came up to them.

"Yeah. He broke the curse for you, simply because he fell in love." She turned away from her friend walking over to the vehicles. Levi picked up Eren's clothing. He folded them up neatly, placing the bundle in a bag.

Isabel, holding Eren, got in on one side of the car. Levi hauled Furlan up to a sitting position and climbed in the other side. He saw the green eyes watching him. Slipping the bracelet off, he reached over and put it on the cat.

"I should have given it to you before you tried to change. It will adjust when you go back to human form." He said.

Isabel insisted on returning with them to Eren's place. "Oh crap, Eren's the only one that knows the codes." Erwin stated.

"No he isn't." Levi and Armin said together. They looked at each other. Levi led the way. He punched in the code taking them up to Eren's place. It was early evening. Erwin called for pizza. Isabel set Eren down. Levi followed the cat into Eren's room. He closed the door.

Picking the cat up, he sat down on the bed. "I hope you can understand me." The cats head bobbed. Levi sighed.

"Good then you might remember this. I'm sorry. I fucked up big time this morning. I don't even know why I did it. I mean I've thought about it ever since meeting you, but it was all wrong. That shouldn't have been our first time." Levi sighed as he petted the cat in his lap.

"It was almost like it wasn't me, but this thing inside of me. When it was over and we were laying together, I felt something inside me change. I felt ashamed at what I did, knowing that today was the day we were bringing Furlan back. I saw how wrong having sex with you was." He shook his head, rubbing his face against the cat.

"No that isn't true. I tried to stop myself from doing it. It was like something else had taken over my body. I, I just couldn't stop." Tears ran down his face wetting the cat.

"Eren, I'm so sorry! I'm such an ass. Once we fix you, once I take the curse back. I will leave. You deserve so much better than me. I'm so sorry!" Levi jumped up running from the room. He closed the door trapping the cat inside as he fled the apartment and the people calling out to him. He just needed time alone.

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