31. A Dangerous Mission 🔪

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"Neither Kaz or I strut around here in our underwear for you."

Casey awkwardly stood behind the couch with his arms crossed over his chest, struggling on where their conversation was going. Who the heck was Kaz?

"Um, excuse me." Casey intervened, holding a hand up. "We're kinda in a rush here."

"Who the fuck's that?" Charlie asked, pointing a finger in Casey's direction. "Did you find another one out on the streets?"

"Another what?" A tall, black man emerged from an adjoined room, groaning when he made eye-contact with Casey. "Jesus Christ, not again. What have I told you about bringing these strays in?"

"Casey's not becoming a member of our gang." Emmett gazed over at Casey, lips curving in a mischievous grin. "Right?"

"No, I'm not. The only reason I'm here is for your help in getting my son and August back," Casey replied. "If you're not capable, then I'll leave."

Charlie frowned. "It's only March. August isn't for another few months."

"August is someone close to me," Casey clarified. "Him and my son were kidnapped. Emmett offered his assistance in return for some business transactions. But I'm reconsidering the offer now."

"Ah, is that why you had me reach out to your contacts?" Alfie asked. "One of my guys just got back with me about those fucking Vipers taking some hostages. Apparently, it's a small group that went rogue."

"What?" Casey pushed past Emmett, eager eyes glued on Alfie. "What group? Did your guy specify? Please, I need to find them. I... I don't know what I'll do if something happens to Wyatt. Or August."

Alfie gave a side-eye to Emmett, sighing. "My source says they're gonna be hiding out at the Lazy Bear Motel. It's on the other side of town."

"I know where that's at!" Hope blossomed in Casey's heart. "Thank you so much. Really, thank you. Okay, we need to form a plan to get there without them spotting us."

Alfie rested a hand on Casey's shoulder, stopping him in place. "My source also told me it didn't look like they'd be staying there for long."

"What's that mean?" Casey asked, slightly tilting his head.

"There's no easy way of saying this, kid. But it's possible one, if not, both are dead," Alfie replied.

The world around Casey faded, as if he'd faint from the revelation. Either Wyatt or August could be dead. Just the image of that sent a whirlwind of grief through him and Casey reeled back, almost stumbling over his own feet.

"Y-You're wrong." Casey's words wavered. "They're both still alive. We can save them. I just need you to help me get to them."

A sympathetic smile touched Emmett's lips. "He's just being realistic here. These guys already killed your mom. They've shown how they're not afraid to resort to murder. I know this must be scary for you, but you gotta be prepared for the worst."

"No, I won't. I'm ready to go break down those motel doors and rescue them both," Casey told them. "With or without you."

Emmett raised his hands in mock surrender. "Alright, fine. Let us gather our people together and we'll head out. You'll be sticking close to my side, got it? I don't wanna get your ass killed out here before you can rescue your loved ones."

Nerves squirmed in the pit of Casey's stomach as he watched the gang members gather together in their recreational room. Casey stood off to the side, near Alfie, as more unfamiliar faces filled the area. Could they really bring them home safely?

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