Pah shrugged in complete, admirable honesty. "I didn't know that! I'm a fucking idiot!"

"Yeah let him be! He's got a brain of a waterflea!!" Peh defended.

'That doesn't help your case..?" Takemicchi sweatdropped as the two walked away.

The faux blondes eyes traveled to you, "H-Hi? Are you-" he started.

"Yes yes im fine Takemitchy, lets go."

"(Last Name)-Senpai???" Your head swings to the voices direction in shock.

Hinata Tachibāna. Kouhai. Fuck. Why is she here. Looking to Draken, he shrugs his shoulders and calls for someone in the crowd.

"EMMA!! Come over here!!" Draken hollered.

A curvy blonde with a mean expression on her face came to the scene. "What?"

"This is Takemitchy and his wifey, Hina." Takemichi and Emma made eye contact. The scrawny boy felt his body quiver. His bloodline might end today. Maybe if he—

"Ohh! Lil coward!" She mused.

Takemicchi went pale. Goodbye future.

"Huh? You know him?" Draken said a bit lost. An awkward silence cued the group for a few seconds before Hina menacingly turned her head towards her partner.

His eyes jolted wide open in fear of whats to come. "Yeah. This kid saw me in my panties and ran off! like a coward!"

"what?" You heard hina say.

You watched Takemicchi gulp, and them him getting on all fours—onto the ground, head abruptly hit the floor, and shivered. Holding back a snort was pretty difficult as you observed how Hina beat the fuck out of Takemicchi.

"We can really use someone like her in our gang," you jokingly said to Mitsuya.

"Tell me about it. She got more experience then her boyfriend" he joked back.

You both snickered as Draken looked at you both in disappointment. Apparently this brick wall can't take a joke. Definition of "tough crowd."

He sighed, "Alright. Emma, take care of Hina as the gang meeting goes ok k?" Draken said.

"Okay.." Emma obliged half-heartedly.

You, Mitsuya, and Draken walked off to get into positions.

Emma sighed, "She didn't even react to that!!" the blonde pouted in dissatisfaction as she watched you elbow Draken and then slap Mitsuya in the arm. You, probably being the center of the joke. Most likely an insult actually.

'H-huh? I thought she liked Draken?! Jeez women are hard to understand..' Takemichi thought.

Emma then focused her hard gaze on him, "Don't get me wrong, I only did that to grow up faster. Don't expect anything else from me!" She stomped her feet away alongside Hina.

'Oh.. Okay then..?' Takemichi stared at the two girls as they walked off with flair. Strutting like his old boss of 4 years back in the DVD shop.

"EVERYONE GATHER AROUND!!!" Draken shouted, capturing the attention of all the members who were previously conversing. A hundred men went into grid formation and held their heads high for Mikey.

Mikey, President of The Tokyo Manjikai, stepped up onto the highest step of the shrine with an entirely different aura seen in the public.

"We will be discussing our fight with Möbius!" Mikey started. As he kept giving his speech, Takemicchi walked up towards you who was watching this all go down from the back, like you were hiding.

𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞 [単調] || 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬Where stories live. Discover now