She nodded before turning back to face me and Michael

Re- yes, now you two go on before you miss the train okay? And write me as soon as you're sorted

She kissed our heads and Michael ran to the wall, but all I could do was look at the blonde boy looking at me with disgust making me roll my eyes running at the wall before seeing the bright red train

Y- Woah...

M- I know right. Come on let's go find a spot

He grabbed my hand pulling me into the train and we found an empty spot to sit, but soon I saw that blonde join the train sitting down beside us with two guys who kept looking our way

D- don't pay them attention. They're the D'ore twins. Scum.

I laughed and turned back to the conversation I was having with Michael ignoring the blonde git for the rest of the ride

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We got to Hogwarts and Draco walked up to a raven-haired boy with round glasses, knowing me I listened as best as I could

D- I heard that Harry Potter has made his way to Hogwarts. You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. You don't wanna go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there, this is Crabbe, and this is Goyal and my name is Malfoy, Draco Malfoy.

He held his hand out but The boy he called Harry just looked at it

H- I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself thank you.

The red-haired boy snickered from beside him and I smirked, this Harry boy is brave, hopefully, he's a Slytherin... soon the professor came and met us at the front door

PM- my name is professor McGonagall, I am head of Gryffindor house. Today you will join us Inside for a feast but first, you must be sorted into your houses by the sorting hat, there are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin.

I smirked as did my brother and I heard the red-haired boy whisper to Harry

R- not one wizard who has been sorted into Slytherin turned out good.

Y- what the hell does that mean... ?

I gave him a look and his face went red

R- R-Ron Weasley

Y- well ron. What do you mean by that?

R- well I uh-

He- hi I'm Hermione Granger and what he means is all Slytherin are evil.

D- shut up mudblood.

Y- piss off Malfoy I was speaking not you. I'll have you know my mother is one of the kindest Slytherin I have ever met.

He- and your mother is?

I looked at her disgusted before spitting my words at her

Y- my name is Y/n D'ore. Ring a bell darling?

I saw her and the redhead go paler then they were making me smirk

Y- now if you'll mind I must be going thank you for the chat

I smiled turning around and pushing past Draco and his goons who were behind me but not before hearing Harry speak

H- who are the d'ores?

R- one of the most important and respected families in the wizarding world... pure blood Slytherins... her mother is known as the ice queen... y/n is the ice princess, or the princess or Slytherin...

H- but how she's not in Slytherin yet

R- she will be...

I smirked as McGonagall opened the door and we walked in, name after name is called and I was getting more and more anxious until I heard my brother's name called

MG- Micheal D'ore

He looked at me before walking up and sitting down

SH- ah yes... D'ore.... Must it be... SLYTHERIN

My eyes lit up as he ran over to sit with our brother and sister

MG- Y/n D'ore

I took a deep breath and walked up sitting down

SH- another D'ore huh? Home many more are there

Y- none thank Merlin. Now sort me so I can go sit

SH- snippy are you. I guess it'll be SLYTHERIN.

I smiled standing up and walking over to my family

R- told you.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes but be proud of where I was. Making my mother proud like I knew I was.

First-year went by fast, Draco and his goons constantly talking about me and my siblings, making me angry and wish I could slap him, but always holding it in...

Second-year came and went as well, Draco still the same pathetic creature he was in first year, if not worse, making up rumors of me and potter being together, as if I'd date someone like that.

And then third year came, Draco looked... different... hot honestly... but I'm a D'ore he's a Malfoy it'll never happen not as long as I live at least. He flirted and me being me I flirted back before turning away and not speaking to him only to piss him off.

Fourth-year came and went and to my surprise, Draco looked better each time I saw him making me hate myself for finding someone like him attractive, but I still absolutely hate him and wish him and his family would disappear just like my father...Today we go back to Hogwarts for fifth year, let's hope everything goes as planned...


Enemies- Draco malfoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora