oh, that's awkward

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"To what extent would you go to save the ones you love?" Emma asked, as I sat on the couch.

"I think you know the answer to that one," I whispered, ringing my fingers together, "I'd die a martyr if I could, it's not the most healthy thing I know, but if it means that everyone else is okay then...it's worth it,"

"This mission, Bentley, it's a really risky one," she explained, "Even riskier than Malivore. If we're going to let you go on this mission, we need you to not think on impulse. If it came down to your life, what would make you want to stay?"

I usually had an answer for everything, but this...my mind was going blank. It's not that there weren't reasons for me to stay. There's Jo, Lizzie, Parker, Hope, and all of the boys, but would that ever outweigh how much danger they'd be in?

"I, I don't know," I whispered.

Emma let out a sigh, "Before we send you on this mission, you need to find that reason why," I nodded as she spoke up once more, "Now, you have rehearsals to get to,"

I found myself in the gym as all my friends were gathered around, reading their scripts. Even Hope was there, which was surprising considering she hasn't spoken to anyone since yesterday.

"Hey guys, let's work on Rewrite the Stars again. Hope, Jed if you can take your places please," Hope let out an exaggerated sigh before getting up. They ran through the number and of course the choreography was all wrong again, "Guys, c'mon! Trust each other! I've said it before and I'll say it again, this will not work if we don't trust one another,"

"Me and Jed trust one another just fine, but we don't trust anything else," Hope argued.

"That makes no sense," I responded, narrowing my eyes at her.

She rolls her eyes, "Of course it doesn't. Look, I trust Jed, I know he has the ability to catch me and hold onto me while we spin through the air. But there are so many other factors at play. For example, the rope could snap. Or maybe the director just has no idea what she's doing and taking this big risk for no reason when she has never even directed a musical before or done something like this on her own,"

And there it was. The real reason she was snapping at you in the first place, "Are you questioning my judgment, Hope?"

"Your judgment and the judgment of a lot of people in this room," she answered, "Because they're trusting you with this big play. A play that can honestly go downhill so fast if you don't do this right and this play can make or break everything, so yeah I'm really questioning your judgment!"

"And why is that?"

"You have no idea what the hell you're doing! You're risking everything in this play! Everything! And you're not even worried about the fucking consequences! You're not worried about all the people that will get hurt during this play! If this play doesn't go right for you?? What will happen?! You're not fucking thinking straight!"

I slammed my hands down on the table, causing it to echo loudly throughout the now tense gym, "That's enough! Rehearsals are over today, everyone's free to leave!" I announced.

The Super Squad looked at one another before quickly picking up their things and scurrying out of the gym. I quickly trailed after Hope who was making her way to her dorm, slamming the door behind me as I entered her room.

"What the fuck was that?! I get you're angry with me, I get you're angry at all of us, but that gives you no right, no right to snap at me like that in front of everyone!" I scolded her, "Because we all know this had nothing to do with musical and everything to do with our collective decision to send me into the lion's den!"

She shook her head, "I don't want to talk about this right now."

"Oh really?! Because not even five minutes ago you wanted to talk about it in front of everyone! So talk to me, Hope, Why do you care so much anyway?" I asked her.

"That's the dumbest question I've ever heard!" she answered, "You know why,"

"Do I really? Why don't you just say it then?! You always avoid actually saying or doing anything about it! So do it! Say it! Prove it!"

Hope's hands wrapped around the back of my neck, pulling me into her. Our lips crashed into each other eagerly. My arms wrapped around her waist, holding her close. The kiss expressed everything we've been wanting to say.

We finally pulled away, breathless. Our foreheads resting on one another. I opened my eyes looking into her blue ones, as I tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. I kissed her softly once more as she finally opened her eyes to look at me.

"Because I love you," Hope whispered.

"I know," I whispered back, cupping her cheeks and kissing her forehead.

She looked at me softly, "And I want this with you. I know we're waiting until you've grown, but I can't just...what if you get hurt or something worse happens while you're on this mission? If I don't get to know what it's like to love you and be loved by you, then I don't know what I'll do. But I know, you're figuring out who you are and you just broke up with Josie who I know you still love too...I just, I needed to say this,"

There were a few moments of silence until Hope finally spoke up again. She backed away slowly, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything. I know I probably just ruined everything and I-"

I grabbed Hope by her waist and kissed her yet again. Her hands immediately cupped my cheeks, "Do you want to go on a date with me, Hope Mikaelson?" I asked as we pulled apart.

"Wait, what?" she asked, her eyes wide.

I chuckled softly, tucking her hair behind her ear, "One date, who knows you may get sick of me after it?"

"What about everything else?" she whispered.

"I'm still growing and I still love Josie. That hasn't changed and I don't know what's going to happen in the future, but right now I do know this. I do know that I want to go on this date with you," I tell her, rubbing my hands up and down her arms.

"Are you sure?"

I kiss her forehead softly, "I'm sure, I'll pick you up at 7," 

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2022 ⏰

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