oh my god they were roomates

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I woke up to the sunlight seeping through the curtains, with an arm wrapped around my body. I could hear Hope's soft breathing from right next to me. My eyes fluttered open and I could see her face right in front of mine. Our foreheads were touching ever so slightly.

I didn't want to move. Maybe it was because of the feeling of her forehead on mine. Or maybe it was because I didn't want to wake her up, but for whatever reason it was I just knew that I wanted to stay right where I was. I could feel sleep slowly lull me back off into dreamland.

I don't know how much time passed, but Rebekah's booming voice awoke both of us from our peaceful slumber, "Now what is going on here? I thought you and Lizzie were in bed together,"

The two of us sprung apart as we saw her staring at us with her arms crossed. I rubbed the tired out of my eyes, yawning. Hope let out a sigh, "Lizzie and I broke up before we got here. She didn't want to bother you guys for an extra room and Josie is nice enough to sleep with her instead. So B and I are bunking together,"

Rebekah eyed both of us carefully, but ultimately let it go, "Well, we're going to leave here within the next hour. Make sure you guys are ready,"

"I think your family hates me," I joked, kind of, as I rolled out of bed.

She shook her head, combing her hair through her fingers, "No, I don't think so. But I think they have an idea that something might be going on between us. Freya stopped me yesterday and I told her about me and Lizzie. Nothing about me and you because there's not much to tell," there was silence for a couple beats before she spoke up again.

"You can use the bathroom first," she whispered, changing the topic.

And so I did. I brushed my teeth and changed my clothes. Then switched with Hope, there was a soft knock on the door before it was cracked open. Jo's head popped in with a small smile on her face.

"Am I interrupting anything?" she asked and I shook my head.

"Nope, just finished getting ready," I answered, matching her smile.

She came over as I sat down onto the foot of the bed, "Wow this bed is small, how did you guys fit?" she asked, sitting onto my lap, wrapping her arms around me.

"It was a tight squeeze, but we made it work. How's Lizzie doing?" I asked her, hooking my chin onto her shoulder.

"She's okay, all things considered. I held her until she went to bed last night, but that's been something that we've been doing the past couple nights," she let out a sigh, "I wish we knew why Hope did it,"

I took a breath in and looked at her, "Yeah...if only we knew,"

"Nevermind them, I miss you," she whispered, placing light kisses on my cheeks and I giggled at the ticklish feeling.

"I'm just down the hall," I tell her and she rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, but I thought this trip was going to allow time alone for both of us. After all of the Malivore pit, I just thought it would be nice," she whispered and my eyes softened.

I kissed her forehead, "There's a lot you don't know, but the only thing we can do is help Lizzie and Hope. Hope is struggling too and it doesn't help that two of her best friends aren't speaking to her,"

"Wait, do you know something?" she asked and I just hummed in response with my eyebrows furrowed, "You said there's a lot you don't know, not we don't know, so did she tell you something?"

"Oh! No I'm sorry, I meant there's a lot we don't know," I told her.

"Never mind them right now, I'd rather enjoy the little alone time we have right now," she whispered.

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